Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album artworkWritten by: Lennon-McCartney
Recorded: 29, 30 March 1967
Producer: George Martin
Engineer: Geoff Emerick

Released: 1 June 1967 (UK), 2 June 1967 (US)

Ringo Starr: vocals, drums, tambourine
John Lennon: backing vocals, cowbell
Paul McCartney: backing vocals, piano, bass
George Harrison: lead guitar
George Martin: Hammond organ

Available on:
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Yellow Submarine Songtrack

Written collaboratively by Lennon and McCartney during the final stages of the Sgt Pepper project, With A Little Help From My Friends was sung by Ringo Starr.

Hunter Davies' authorised biography of The Beatles contains a passage recounting the genesis of the song. He observed Lennon and McCartney beginning with a chorus line and segment of melody.

That's Paul with a little help from me. 'What do you see when you turn out the light/I can't tell you but I know it's mine' is mine.
John Lennon
All We Are Saying, David Sheff

From there they played around with words, performed rock 'n' roll songs whenever they got stuck, and spent much time laughing, idly leafing through magazines or chatting about anything that took their fancy.

This was written out at John's house in Weybridge for Ringo; we always liked to do one for him and it had to be not too much like our style. I think that was probably the best of the songs we wrote for Ringo actually...

It was pretty much co-written, John and I doing a work song for Ringo, a little craft job. I always saw those as the equivalent of writing a James Bond film theme. It was a challenge, it was something out of the ordinary for us because we actually had to write in a key for Ringo and you had to be a little tongue in cheek. Ringo liked kids a lot, he was very good with kids so we knew Yellow Submarine would be a good thing for Ringo to sing. In this case, it was a slightly more mature song, which I always liked very much. I remember giggling with John as we wrote the lines 'What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know it's mine.' It could have been him playing with his willie under the covers, or it could have been taken on a deeper level; this was what it meant but it was a nice way to say it, a very non-specific way to say it. I always liked that.

Paul McCartney
Many Years From Now, Barry Miles

The song was initially recorded with the working title Bad Finger Boogie, after Lennon tried to play the melody on a piano having hurt his forefinger. Starr had misgivings about singing the final sustained high note in the song, and refused to sing a certain line.

The song With A Little Help From My Friends was written specifically for me, but they had one line that I wouldn't sing. It was 'What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and throw tomatoes at me?' I said, 'There's not a chance in hell am I going to sing this line,' because we still had lots of really deep memories of the kids throwing jelly beans and toys on stage; and I thought that if we ever did get out there again, I was not going to be bombarded with tomatoes.
Ringo Starr

In the studio

From the start The Beatles knew that the song would be adjoined to Sgt Pepper's title track. From take one it included the "Billy Shears" introduction.

He was to be a character in this operetta, this whole thing that we were doing, so this gave him a good intro, wherever he came in the album; in fact it was the second track. It was a nice place for him, but wherever it came, it gave us an intro. Again, because it was the pot era, we had to slip in a little reference: 'I get high!'
Paul McCartney
Many Years From Now, Barry Miles

The Beatles recorded 10 takes of the song on 29 March 1967, with Paul on piano, John beating a cowbell, George playing lead guitar and Ringo on drums. Following the final take Ringo overdubbed his lead vocals.

The following day – on the morning of which they posed for the Sgt Pepper cover shoot – they added guitar, tambourine, bass and harmony vocals.