Beatles For Sale album artworkWritten by: Lennon-McCartney
Recorded: 30 September 1964
Producer: George Martin
Engineer: Norman Smith

Released: 4 December 1964 (UK), 15 December 1964 (US)

John Lennon: vocals, acoustic rhythm guitar, handclaps
Paul McCartney: harmony vocals, bass, handclaps
George Harrison: rhythm guitar, handclaps
Ringo Starr: drums, handclaps
George Martin: piano

Available on:
Beatles For Sale
Anthology 1

The song which opened the Beatles For Sale album, No Reply was written by John Lennon for Tommy Quickly, another of Brian Epstein's recording artists.

That's my song. Dick James, the publisher, said, 'That's the first complete song you've written where it resolves itself'. You know, with a complete story. It was my version of Silhouettes: I had that image of walking down the street and seeing her silhouetted in the window and not answering the phone, although I never called a girl on the phone in my life. Because phones weren't part of the English child's life.
John Lennon, 1980
All We Are Saying, David Sheff

Silhouettes was a 1957 hit for The Rays, an R&B quartet from New York. The opening lines of the song bear a certain resemblance to No Reply:

Took a walk and passed your house late last night
All the shades were pulled and drawn way down tight
From within the dim light cast
Two silhouettes on the shade
Oh what a lovely couple they made
This happened once before
When I came to your door
No reply
They said it wasn't you
But I saw you peep through your window
I saw the light
I saw the light
I know that you saw me
'Cause I looked up to see your face
No Reply

Paul McCartney later claimed to have assisted Lennon in writing the song:

We wrote No Reply together but from a strong original idea of his. I think he pretty much had that one, but as usual, if he didn't have the third verse and the middle eight, then he'd play it to me pretty much formed, then we would shove a bit in the middle or I'd throw in an idea.
Paul McCartney
Many Years From Now, Barry Miles

In the studio

The Beatles taped their demo of No Reply for Tommy Quickly on 3 June 1964, although he never released a version of the song. This demo was misfiled and became lost in the 1960s, only resurfacing in 1993; it was released on Anthology 1.

This sprightly first version was treated casually by the group, who played around with they lyrics – at one point singing "I saw you walk in your face". It also had a shorter "I saw the light" section.

The demo featured a drummer, although Ringo Starr had been taken ill earlier in the day with tonsillitis. Jimmie Nicol may have played instead; he was certainly at Abbey Road that morning for a tour rehearsal with Lennon, McCartney and Harrison.

The Beatles – with Starr – recorded No Reply properly on 30 September 1964, with piano played by George Martin. They perfected it in eight takes, the last of which was used on Beatles For Sale.

For take five, the group tried repeating the middle section, extending the song from 2'14" to 3'17". However, they dropped this idea in the final version.

Take two of No Reply was also released on Anthology 1. As in the demo version, The Beatles had trouble recording the song without deliberately messing up the lyrics ("You walked hand in hand with another plank in my place"). It also repeated the first verse towards the end of the song, in place of the one beginning "I tried to telephone".