The Beatles (White Album) artworkWritten by: Harrison
Recorded: 7-9 October 1968
Producer: George Martin
Engineer: Ken Scott

Released: 22 November 1968 (UK), 25 November 1968 (US)

George Harrison: vocals, acoustic guitars
Paul McCartney: backing vocals, Hammond organ, bass
Ringo Starr: drums
Chris Thomas: piano

Available on:
The Beatles (White Album)

The spiritual heart of the White Album, Long, Long, Long provided a moment of calm between the raucous Helter Skelter and the politically-charged Revolution 1.

While it may outwardly appear to be an ode to a lover, Long, Long, Long was actually written about Harrison's joy at having found God.

In his autobiography, George Harrison spoke briefly about the song, describing how its music had been inspired by the final track on Bob Dylan's Blonde On Blonde album.

The 'you' in Long, Long, Long is God. I can't recall much about it except the chords, which I think were coming from Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands – D to E minor, A, and D – those three chords and the way they moved.
George Harrison
I Me Mine, 1980

The wistful, hymnlike tribute to God was one of the White Album's most subtle recordings; a hushed waltz which only rouses itself from hypnotic slumber during the middle section. The dynamics are key: the calmness of the verses is only broken briefly as Harrison laments the 'many tears I was wasting' before his enlightenment.

In the studio

Under the working title It's Been A Long Long Long Time, recording for the song began on 7 October 1968. The Beatles, minus John Lennon, recorded a mammoth 67 takes of the rhythm track, with Harrison on vocals and acoustic guitar, McCartney playing a modified Hammond organ, and Starr on drums.

The ending of Long, Long, Long was a fortuitous accident, as George Martin's assistant Chris Thomas later recalled.

There's a sound near the end of the song which is a bottle of Blue Nun wine rattling away on top of a Leslie speaker cabinet. It just happened. Paul hit a certain note and the bottle started vibrating. We thought it was so good that we set the mikes up and did it again. The Beatles always took advantage of accidents.
Chris Thomas
The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn

Ringo Starr recorded some frenetic drumming, and Harrison's ghostly howl compounded the effect. The song ends with a brutal G minor eleventh chord played on Harrison's Gibson J-200, creating one of the most affecting and effective finales to any Beatles recording.

Recording continued the next day, with additional acoustic guitar and lead vocal parts by Harrison, and a bass track played by McCartney. Long, Long, Long was completed on 9 October with backing vocals from McCartney and a piano part by Chris Thomas.