Comments on: You Can’t Do That Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barrie Thurlow Sat, 17 Feb 2018 16:10:34 +0000 I remember Pete Quaife miming a very lively solo to “You Really Got Me on Top of the Pops or Ready, Steady, Go! with his bass turned back to front as well!

By: Barrie Thurlow Sat, 17 Feb 2018 16:04:01 +0000 I’ve always thought those rolling phrases on the bass a bit fancy – is there something similar in “Drive My Car”?

By: Teddy Salad Mon, 09 Oct 2017 15:44:36 +0000 Not sure why you felt the need to post that three times on the same day.

By: Teddy Salad Mon, 09 Oct 2017 15:38:07 +0000 In other words, if it were a completely different song. I guess you could say that about any song, then.

By: judg3 Tue, 27 Jun 2017 05:50:04 +0000 I think the Melbourne Australia take of this song is killer.
John flubs the ending of the solo just a little but, cutting it short to get back in there to begin singing again.
We can see Paul and George chuckling to each other knowingly. It’s an “inside thing”.

By: judg3 Tue, 27 Jun 2017 05:36:18 +0000 JohnP: Right on!!!

“Chinkkk..chtt chtt Boomm” “…Ohhhhh you can’t do thattt….wwwwoWWWwww!!!!(scream)

By: judg3 Tue, 27 Jun 2017 05:25:24 +0000 Pablo. How I’d list it is: George/lead gtr. John:Rhythm gtr and gtr Solo.

By: judg3 Tue, 27 Jun 2017 05:16:48 +0000 DQ, correction. Lennon plsys that solo in the Anthology. In Melbourne.
George and Paul chuckle knowingly. John did those flubs sometimes. He doesn’t finish it. He has to get ready to begin singing again. But it is a flub.
John sometimes would forget words or what verse he was singing. It’s getting ahead of himself and not really paying attention. .or taking mental notes while performance.
So Paul and George are aware of that..and that’s why they chuckle.

By: judg3 Tue, 27 Jun 2017 05:06:19 +0000 That’s in Melbourne, Australia. No big deal. On the TV special they cut it right after Lennin screams before his gtr solo. But the DVD release has the full song. The solo isn’t much anyway. He cuts it short..”flub”so he can begin singing again. And Iit shows Harrison and McCartney smiling at each other..”chuckling” knowingly. That Lennon flubbed. Which john was one of those guys who would forget some words or miss a chord more so than the other two.
I do the same thing. It’s frim getting ahead of myself. I mean..that’s what causes it.

Also to sing that takes an extra breath to finish those verses with strength. An extra quick “gulp” of air.

By: Mark Collard Tue, 10 Jan 2017 02:38:00 +0000 If that isn’t the best vocal of that era then tell me what is. Listening to the part – “I can’t help my feelings I go out of my mind” I can feel his heart being ripped out!. Then there is the whack to the chest of the backing vocals coming in at the second verse, then the “I told you before” pause and the howl just before John hops on lead for an angry solo. This is the best pop song of its era. Forgot to mention the excellent into from George.

By: J Neo Marvin Fri, 16 Dec 2016 17:57:33 +0000 First quote on this page: “That’s me doing Wilson Pickett.”

By: Jack Sun, 04 Dec 2016 22:12:46 +0000 I can hear similarities between johns lead phrases on this track and the ones he played on the guitar duel on Abbey Road.

By: Young Fred Thu, 06 Oct 2016 02:35:52 +0000 What a great rocker! John’s voice, full of attitude, as well as the bass and drums make this one a powerful tune. Vocal harmonies and solo add the cherry on the cake. Just love it!

By: Joe Mon, 16 May 2016 02:40:56 +0000 Who has seen the camera cut to the bass player during a lead guitar solo?

By: jennifur Sun Fri, 25 Dec 2015 01:04:16 +0000 have heard tha George was the same way. loved that 12 string sound in this song, and Ringos drumming

By: Richard Boene Wed, 09 Dec 2015 05:20:31 +0000 You will have to pardon me for considering the possibility that you may have been trolling with that particular comment Mr. Mason. I could not be too careful given that I cannot read minds and was uncertain of your precise intentions at that point.

Having said that, it has been my own experience that comments awaiting moderation often initially disappear from view not because of censorship issues but because Joe (who is the creator and administrator of this website) is within preparation of posting them. He has many things to concern himself with in regard to the running of this website, and new comments may not appear for as many as 3-5 days, but as long as they are appropriately related to the subject matter at hand, they should be visible before too long. Having seen your other comments, I don’t have any reason to believe that there was anything to be perceived as inappropriate.

It’s no secret that the Beatles were heavily influenced by the Motown Sound right down to their covers of “Money”, “Please Mr. Postman” and “You Really Got A Hold On Me.” And here is another case in point: John Lennon is known to have stated, “The Motown drummer hit a snare with so much force it sounded like he hit it with a bloody tree.”

By: Paul Mason Sun, 06 Dec 2015 18:20:08 +0000 I have NO INTENTION of trolling but when my comments were initially deleted that’s when I started to get suspicious. I was merely pointing out a similarity in a musical style. I do not see what is wrong with that, I was careful not to suggest plagiarism as I know the Beatles were clever enough not to do that, except George Harrison post-Beatles over My Sweet Lord. I. now fully accept the site isn’t racist and I apologise unreservedly.

By: Joe Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:56:11 +0000 Thank you. You had more patience and eloquence than I could muster. I appreciate it.

By: Richard Boene Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:47:00 +0000 Dear Mr. Mason,

Maybe you are simply trolling in order to draw attention to yourself. In which case it’s not worth anyone’s effort to take your remarks seriously. Or maybe you really do believe that the African American influence on the Beatles’ music is not mentioned thoroughly enough here. In which case I would suggest Mr. Mason that you take a closer look around this website, which you will soon enough find that you have no less a right to do than everyone else who visits this website (all racial matters aside.) No one who has any solid understanding of the roots of the Beatles’s music would dare to deny the impact of Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Smokey Robinson, Little Willie John, Larry Williams, Arthur Alexander, The Coasters, The Isley Brothers, a clear majority of the great studio musicians and anyone else I have in any unintended ignorance failed to mention on the music of the Beatles.

This site is certainly not without it’s flaws and corrections to errors in information are frequently made here. But nobody here is wasting time or energy on racial matters we are not guilty of. So assuming that you are not merely attempting to troll other visitors to this site Mr. Mason, I humbly suggest that you get a hold of yourself and take some time to explore this website further. If you have anything productive to contribute here, then by all means bring it forward. Otherwise, please go and find someone more deserving of your anger, because while it may prove useful in other circumstances it does nothing to further the precise intentions of this particular website.

Best regards,


P.S. If you were merely trolling, then by all means continue to do so but do not expect any further verbal retaliation from me or anyone else here because we are wise to such acts.

By: Paul Mason Sun, 22 Nov 2015 09:38:48 +0000 It appears this Bible is for WHITES ONLY and disregards African American influences on the Beatles music which even the Beatles themselves long acknowledged.
