Comments on: There’s A Place Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Mon, 05 Nov 2018 23:47:08 +0000 The Pretenders had a minor hit called “Human.” Its intro mirrors “There’s a Place”

By: Paul Fri, 07 Sep 2018 18:14:26 +0000 It’s John.

By: dgw28 Mon, 04 Dec 2017 05:05:24 +0000 I’ve always thought this one had a kind of grand larger than life feel to it. In my top ten. Love it.

By: Njoy Tue, 12 Sep 2017 16:10:59 +0000 Does John sing the “in my mind there’s no sorrow…” line? Not 100% sure who takes over as on lead vocals there.

By: MikeP Thu, 07 Sep 2017 02:00:40 +0000 Typical Johan cavalli. Your obvious and consistent bias discredits virtually anything you say,. I notice you never seem to have facts, ACTUAL-CORRECT quotes, or anything else of substance to back your “opinions”
“nuff said.

By: MikeP Thu, 07 Sep 2017 01:54:49 +0000 I remember the first time I heard it – 1st grade. Someone brought in the single (Tollie!)
and the teacher played both sides during recess. I’d heard “…Shout” on the radio before, but this one really caught my ear.
Still on of my favorites.

By: 2much4mymirror Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:38:24 +0000 A song singled out for special praise by two of the U.S.’s premiere rock critics. In 1975 Greil Marcus cited this and “Money” as two of the most exciting recordings The Beatles ever made. In 1981 Robert Christgau compared it to The Beach Boys’ contemporaneous “In My Room,” contrasting the latter’s relatively prosaic destination of “my room” wedded to descending, anti-climactic chords, with The Beatles’ far more interesting “my mind” lyric combined with a thrilling upward melodic leap.

By: Steve O Wed, 02 Aug 2017 21:04:31 +0000 Its a special recording, alright…I love it…

By: Jon Sat, 15 Jul 2017 04:41:05 +0000 Not saying Paul has a perfect memory but it’s definitely more consistent than John’s. I’m skeptical of the examples you used to discredit Paul’s memory and consistency. With And I Love Her, Paul has only said John didn’t write the middle by himself. I remember his exact quote being “he probably helped but he can’t say ‘it’s mine'”. To your second point, I’ve never seen McCartney anywhere say he wrote If I Fell alone. Please direct me to a link if that actually exists.

…I’ve noticed a strong trend of indignant people crying about Paul taking credit for songs. They often twist his words and/or claim he’s said things I’ve never heard before without citing anything. Then when I go to look it up, I find nothing.

By: Robert Sun, 11 Dec 2016 22:19:15 +0000 Please read Martin’s and Michael’s comments above and reflect on them a little if you are able. And re-read Baggio’s last line or three-he sums up your silly complaint very nicely.

By: OldFartBassPlayer Walt Tue, 06 Sep 2016 16:44:59 +0000 Fully agree with with your comment on how strong Ringo’s drums are; constantly changing, based on where in the song they are.

But, can’t agree that the harmonica is extra; A drum thwack starts the song then it has this trumpet-like blast of harp wailing through the reverb- I think this a strong clarion-call that grabs your attention and sets you up for the haunting melody that follows…

By: Jeff Maas Mon, 25 Apr 2016 04:45:09 +0000 I think of you,
The things you do
Go round my head
the things you said
like I love only you……
What great lyrics that one.

By: jennifur Sun Thu, 24 Dec 2015 07:47:35 +0000 like it too. still have tht old 45

By: SaxonMothersSon Mon, 07 Sep 2015 23:45:36 +0000 I wrote a paper on Lennon in college, using lyrics to trace his philosophical/psychological paths, growth, if you will. This was the first and Julia, the last, the “White Album” having been the last Beatles release at the time. I thought this was a haunting song for its time. It has always struck me as more than a lonely teenage tune. I mean, c’mon, “And it’s my mind, and there’s no time when I’m alone” is walking in Paul Simon’s territory. In America, it was the flip side of Twist & Shout. While I loved Twist and Shout, There’s a Place hit me bullseye, the lonely kid who was just discovering poetry beyond the confines of Catholic school.
They never recaptured this sound, this Town Without Pity sort of alley echo aloneness.. It stands alone for what else they were doing at the time.
Back to the paper. I believe what my conclusion said was that Lennon was a seeker, always in his mind, but still looking for his childhood happiness which seems to have eluded him. When Plastic Ono Band came out, and I heard Mother, I got a chill, thinking of that paper I had written. That’s my take on a song that few people seem to play or remember.

By: Johan cavalli Sat, 09 May 2015 18:30:53 +0000 Typical Lennon; in the beginning there is three long notes, and the middle part – sung by Lennon – resembles the middle part in It´s Only Love. Yes Baggio, McCartney is often confusing when he talks about songs connected to Lennon (I think McCartney is embarassed by the fact that in the years 1963-1965, or before Yesterday, Lennon was the dominat composer).

By: Sam P. Wed, 25 Mar 2015 02:44:08 +0000 Just a fantastic song.

I had the Vee-Jay Introducing the Beatles, and here was this song with its McCartney-Lennon credit buried on the second side. Like the song’s message, the song goes to one’s private place and hits its mark. Very personal and close.

There is the Beatles the hit-makers, and there is another group altogether. We can all relate to those hidden songs on albums that reach us beyond the norm: Not a Second Time, I’ll Be Back, Things We Said Today, Yes It Is…. On and on.

By: Steve McEvoy Sat, 07 Mar 2015 23:44:12 +0000 My second favourite song on ‘Please Please Me’, here’s all the takes:

By: Silly Girl Wed, 25 Feb 2015 03:12:25 +0000 This song is fab. It’s somewhat surprising to find they were already on the “It’s all in yer mind” kick this early. It’s true that John, especially, was fond of disappearing into his head; just think of “In My Life”, I’M Only Sleeping”, “Strawberry Fields Forever”, “Imagine”…
But I’m not making a case for who wrote it. No, I’m staying out of those heated debates. Let’s just say Lennon AND McCartney wrote it, they’re both geniuses, it’s a good song, and (in a Scouse accent) ‘ave done with it. 😀
Hasn’t anyone noticed that the tempo goes funny all over the place here? (There’s a place/ Where the song goes/… All out of tiiiii-ime…) Especially at the end as it fades out. I suppose, as this was the first recording of the day, they hadn’t warmed up yet. 🙂

@Jennifer: I never paid any attention to drumming ’till I *actually* listened to Ringo’s. It’s groovy stuff. Actually there are a lot of things I never paid attention to till I *actually* listened to the Beatles… 😀

By: Jennifer Thu, 19 Feb 2015 18:22:35 +0000 The middle eight on this song is fabulous. I love their middle eights to bits and pieces. “Don’t you know that it’s so?” Ringo’s drumming is great, too. There’s a guy on YouTube who does Ringo covers really, really well, and it’s astonishing to see how much is going on back there. Ringo didn’t get enough credit simply because his playing serves the song so wonderfully – it always blends in perfectly and is never obtrusive or drawing attention to itself. (His name is “batmankozyy” if you want to look him up.)

By: Baggio Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:46:28 +0000 Hmmm, I think you’re being unfair there.
John wasn’t the only one who contradicted himself and I don’t think he was a liar.

I think many of Paul’s remarks on how he contributed to John’s song are vague and confusing…
If I Fell, for instance, he said that’s an example that John could write good ballads… Then he said they wrote it together… Then later he said he wrote it(!).

Another one… John said he contributed to the middle eight in “And I Love Her”. Paul disagreed… But music publisher Dick James agreed with John that they both wrote it together.

I don’t favour John nor Paul but they recorded a lot of songs, they did a lot of drugs etc. I’m sure they firmly believe on whatever they claim, but you can’t fully rely on the recollections of either one of them as there are obviously going to be mistakes.
I don’t think John wrote Eleanor Rigby. I don’t think Paul wrote If I Fell.

Was this co-written? We’ll likely never know, up to anyone to believe what they want. Or just accept they were two talented musicians and that in the end it doesn’t really matter!
