Comments on: Some Other Guy Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Allen Fri, 09 Nov 2018 18:38:07 +0000 In John’s defence, lyrics didn’t come with 45s and he certainly couldn’t google it. He has been quoted to have loved this song, so I’m guessing he did the best he could. Like any live singer, if he forgot the lyrics, he would just make something up. There isn’t a singer ever who didn’t forget lyrics live, even for songs they wrote themselves. As far as rock and roll blasphemy is concerned, should John by held accountable for singing, “She’d love to, yeah, yeah, yeah”?

By: Teddy Salad Wed, 03 Oct 2018 20:46:35 +0000 Pot, meet kettle.

By: Dan L Tue, 14 Aug 2018 14:43:50 +0000 If there were one further cover tune from their early live shows that I’d have them put on an album, this would be it. Just great straight-between-the-eyes rock. So fortunate we have that Cavern clip.

By: John Mattson (@JohnMattson) Thu, 01 Feb 2018 05:29:36 +0000 especially his own

By: Eliot Thu, 25 Jan 2018 03:49:47 +0000 Does anyone know the words John was mouthing in the middle of the song when he appears to be speaking to an audience member?

By: Christopher Cruz Mon, 15 Jan 2018 11:16:29 +0000 August of 1962 was not the first time that John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison performed the song. They first did in 1959 at the Casbah Coffee Club with guitarist Ken Brown taking the lead vocal. At the time, of course, they were without a drummer and still calling themselves, the Quarrymen.

By: MikeP Fri, 11 Aug 2017 00:16:21 +0000 “….the Beatles themselves would have certainly disagreed with what you’re saying …”.
You haven’t a clue what the Beatles would have thought (or do think, in the case of Paul and Ringo). If you don’t have the courage of your convictions to simply speak for yourself, you really shouldn’t bother.

Let me add – great site, Joe. Personally, I appreciate the work you do and that you keep it “BEATLES”.

By: Travis Wed, 26 Apr 2017 14:57:34 +0000 It’s called being a complex person. I can completely relate to this – I love the frenetic energy and excitement that only punk rock/old pure rock n roll can generate, yet I like to write more complex songs with original melodic ideas and serious subject material. It’s just like enjoying different genres of movies or anything else. I think a good melange for Lennon is “Don’t Let Me Down”, a very personal, soul-baring song with unusual song structure, but with plenty of screaming and shouting. And come on, the guy did write a lot of really rocking songs (“I Want You”, “Revolution”, “Day Tripper”, etc).

By: Travis Thu, 20 Apr 2017 14:01:20 +0000 Anyone have a good reason as to why this didn’t appear on “Please Please Me”? They had so many great, energetic rock ‘n’ roll covers like this one, Clarabella, “Hippy Hippy Shake”, etc that would have made Please Please Me a far superior record with their inclusion, make their first record an actual reflection of what they had been playing in Hamburg and then in Liverpool. Ah, what could have been…the “pure rock” record that John always wanted. Maybe he would have picked their first record as his favorite! Interesting to contemplate

By: Jonas Svensson, Sweden Wed, 10 Aug 2016 19:24:35 +0000 There is quite a lot of film from this gig even if this particular song is only about two minutes long. There are many different edits of it, both “official” and “home-made”. The introductions and the endings have been used in various combinations over the years, so whichever version you may find somewhere may not necessarily use a correct corresponding audio recording. We know that Granada TV were not happy with the sound the first time and came back to record a proper audio of the song, without filming at the same time.

It is almost impossible to determine which audio comes from what occasion; August 22 or September 5, but there are three different audios that I can tell apart anyway. If it was done once or twice at the first occasion, I do not know.
But, logically, since they have two takes of the song on film from the same occasion it should be two audios to go with these. So, my theory is two film and audio takes from the 22nd, one audio only from the 5th.

As Bill wrote last year, there is clip with a tidy quartet and a clip with a sweaty one. These have been chopped up and mixed over the years, sometimes not even showing anybody singing while there is singing going on and vice versa.
Then there are other bits of film that show John singing something completely different than Some other guy. And we can see George singing alone at the mike as well. There are bits with George singing backup with John at Johns mike -like for Kansas City-, and even a couple of clips of Paul & George shouting away at Pauls mike. This setup fits many songs from the era so without seeing their lips we cannot tell which song they were doing at the time. Same with Ringos drumming.
All this suggests at least that a lot more than just one song was indeed filmed, perhaps a whole set. Many of the audience members are positioned more or less at the same place during these clips so I would like to think that only one set was filmed, but I can be wrong here. The lighting is slightly different, but I can´t tell the reason for it.

Most likely, Some other guy was the opening song in the set, probably the version introudced: “At this mid-day session at The Cavern, we proudly present: The Beatles!”.
One ending has John saying “We probably have to do it again!”, suggesting they need to do a remake later on. These two bits could well be from the same performance, using my reasoning.

Then we have a version introduced: “Okay, this is it: The Beatles sing Some other guy”. This, to me, suggest the re-make version: like, “This is it -let´s do it good now”.
Another ending is where we hear somebody shout “We want Pete!”, to which John replies “Yes.”

Another version starts with the briefest of intros: “It´s The Beatles!” Could be from any of the recordings. This could also be the last part of a longer intro that is not saved anywhere.
Third ending is just audience cheering and applause. Three intros, three endings. Combinations are free to interpret.

And of course we have half of Kansas City to listen to as well.

By: Reverend Flash Sat, 02 Apr 2016 05:38:13 +0000 I’m all for reinterpreting songs to fit one’s own artistic desires, but that’s not what The Beatles did. As pointed out earlier, they probably had Cynthia copy the lyrics as best as she could off the radio. As a result, she got some of them wrong. The Beatles, working long performances and likely not caring too much about getting every word right, just sang them as they received them. They didn’t make an artistic choice to alter the original lyrics. They never even HAD all of the original lyrics. When I sang in a cover band in the 90s, I didn’t have lyrics sites on the internet to clarify the lyrics of the popular songs we performed. So, like Cynthia, I would just copy down the words to the best of my interpretation, knowing full well I was getting them wrong. Then when I performed them, I would sing them with the same lack of enunciation the original artists did (like Green day, for instance), and I’d just hope no one noticed.
If I’d HAD the correct lyrics, i gladly would have SUNG them.

By: Jerry Logue Sat, 12 Mar 2016 22:49:44 +0000 It was common practice for old time blues musicians to change or alter lyrics to songs they were playing, which gave rise to many interesting variations of popular songs from that era. Muddy Waters “Mannish Boy” is a good example, being a variant of the original by Bo Diddley’s “I’m a Man”. Now you could say that the early Beatles were a rhythm & blues band, so occasionally altering lyrics to the way they liked them would been continuing a fine, time honoured tradition!

By: Robert Lockhart Sat, 05 Mar 2016 05:55:56 +0000 Huh. I always thought it was, “My girl says when I kiss her lips, she gets a thrill through her big hips, hey-hey!” I have been a fan since I was 7 in 1964. I fancy myself to know all their lyrics. Guess not.

By: jennifur Sun Thu, 24 Dec 2015 23:41:26 +0000 you mean i’m not the only one who has had problems understand Mick. glad now that there are sites on youtube that have lyrics with the song. will not tell you what i thought some of the lyrics to Get Off My Cloud were

By: Michael Young Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:39:37 +0000 John Lennon meant the one filmed at cavern wasn’t a great version,he probably never heard the bbc versions that were better.

By: Tom Fri, 20 Nov 2015 15:11:33 +0000 Lieber-Stoller, who did most of the writing of Some Other guy, are quite a prolific rock and roll songwriting partnership. Their lyrics are clever and memorable, and many of their songs are iconic. They’re much more historically significant than you seem to realise.

Even with that aside, the Beatles themselves would have certainly disagreed with what you’re saying – you can say ‘it’s only cool because the Beatles played it’ all you want, but it won’t change the fact that the Beatles absolutely loved the rock and roll artists whom they were covering.

Lennon and McCartney would certainly have scoffed at your idea that their covers elevated what was previously just music by ‘sub par original composers’. Even many years later, the two of them expressed in interviews how much they admired the likes of Goffin-King, Smokey Robinson, Chuck Berry – the writers whose songs they’d covered.

‘You really don’t seem to understand that this is a Beatles history site’ – the importance of these early influence on the Beatles as songwriters, and as a rock and roll act, certainly shouldn’t be excluded from a Beatles history site, so I really don’t understand your point.

By: Reverend Flash Sun, 16 Aug 2015 18:24:00 +0000 No, “Loretta”. That’s not my logic.
When Ringo tweaked the lyrics to ‘Boys’, he only changed them slightly, and they still made sense, pretty much expressing the same message as the original lyrics. In ‘Some Other Guy’, The Beatles had completely mangled several lyrics such that they no longer meant what the original lyrics intended. In fact, they are so nonsensical that they really don’t mean anything. In a trippy late sixties Carrollian track like the surreal ‘I Am The Walrus’, that might be acceptable. But in the context of an early sixties R&B tune, it just comes off as half-assed.

By: Reverend Flash Sun, 16 Aug 2015 18:13:04 +0000 Glen, you can hear what you want to hear, but I was in direct communication with Peter Stoller, the son of Mike Stoller, one of the original writers of the song. Peter heads up the organization now, and maintains their copyrights. The lyrics he provided me are absolutely official.

By: Bill Thu, 23 Jul 2015 06:42:39 +0000 Very interesting that Brian had a handful of copies of “Some Other Guy” made up on acetates & sold them at NEMS. I remember reading about this years ago, (possibly – it’s been awhile) in Philip Norman’s book. If these acetates were made up not long after the actual recording, that would mean that (technically) this would be the “first” (not counting Sheridan) Beatles record put out for public consumption, even though it was not a commercial pressing.

The Beatles performed “Some Other Guy” twice on August 22 for Grenada TV. Even though there are numerous film edits floating around everywhere, there are basically only 2 film clips. One shows the boys rather tidy, the other shows them slightly more unkempt & more sweaty. Also, the lighting is different on each clip (especially on George). All recordings from August 22 were made with only one microphone. Grenada came back to The Cavern at a slightly later date & recorded the song again (audio only-no video), using a multiple-microphone placement. I’m speculating that this latter recording was the one used for the acetates that Brian had made up.

Concerning the acetates themselves, were they 1-sided discs, or was there something on the flip-side? If so, what was it? “Kansas City”, maybe?

Were there custom labels made, or were they handwritten? If handwritten, by whom? Brian? Other NEMS employees? The boys themselves?

How many of these were made & sold? Does anyone here have one, or can provide a scan of one. I’m dying to know what they look like. I’m fascinated to know more about this Beatles “record” that many never knew existed.

By: Glenn Rice (@GlennPhilipRice) Fri, 23 May 2014 21:54:54 +0000 Hello. My two cents: “Some other guy now / Is sneakin’ up behind me like a yellow dog, oh now / Some other guy now / Has taken my love, the spiteful hog’

Lots of close listening to Richie Barrett has left me feeling pretty sure of this. I’m also in concord with the earlier poster re: “Just don’t wanna hold my fire”.

Good work everyone, although he mystery of unintelligible lyrics is one of the great pleasures of rock and roll really, isn’t it?
