Comments on: Searchin’ Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: AndrĂ© Sun, 18 Feb 2018 15:01:56 +0000 Does anyone know who is Simon Smith (or Sling as certain sources says) ? Is it a instance where the group could not decipher the original lyrics and put something that fitted or is it the name of a obscure british TV private eye or the like ?

By: jennifur Sun Thu, 24 Dec 2015 23:31:00 +0000 he did. if you listen to the origional, there are a couple Paul put in that arent’ on the Coasters recording. it may be an olddie as far as when it was recorded, but for some reason i love the fact that the Beatles were Coasters fans. no one has ever secceaded in making the guitar part soound like the orgioanl, but this one is fun. i understand there is a recording of John singing the lead(only Paul owns it). this i understand was a big fan favorite when they played in the Cavern.

By: fourcoolbeatles Sat, 18 Jul 2015 19:30:40 +0000 So catchy…in a good way!!

By: YS Short Tie Girl Mon, 11 May 2015 22:18:23 +0000 This song is how I got the 2 Beatles Anthology CDs, Anthology 1 and 3. I first found it on the Internet labeled “Sexy Paul Voice”, and I was like, “Really?” Turns out, it was the guys, and for me, when I heard Paul sing that song, I was like, “Whoa! He sure is talented!” A couple months later, mom borrowed my next door neighbor’s copy of Anthology 2 to put onto iTunes, and I really wanted to get the other two to put onto iTunes as well, and so, for my 17th birthday, I got them! I love these CDs because it has Beatles stuff no one has heard before, and this song is the best song on Anthology 1. Period. No explanation needed.

By: NEIL Mon, 23 Jun 2014 15:02:31 +0000 Does anyone have an explanation of where some of the lyrics come from? Did Paul modify the lyrics himself from those in the Coasters original?

By: Bill Tue, 19 Feb 2013 05:30:20 +0000 Notice the revised lyrics. Peter Gunn didn’t even exist when The Coasters did the original version…

By: Raymond Fri, 06 Nov 2009 23:13:28 +0000 ‘Gonna find her, Gonna find her’

Yeaaaaaaaah – searchin’……

This is the best pre-fab song, cover, performance, or whatever (including Some Other Guy)

A head banger… For real. Heavy guitar strummin, pulsing drums, bass, and an outstanding freeway vocal by Paul…
Smooth backing by Lennon/Harrison.(Gonna find her)

This rocks!
It’s only flaw is: it’s too darn short.
And the sound quality’s poor, – though it has this Beatles-in-the-garage kind of charms…
Should’ve been a 9 minute strumm-a-long, like the Velvet Underground used to go on and on and on and louder and heavier…

(Gonna find her) Yeah-heah, cus I’m searchin’

