Comments on: Savoy Truffle Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: curt b Thu, 07 Mar 2019 03:19:21 +0000 Maybe he supported the George songs because he was less fond of Paul at the time?

By: Mr. Kite Tue, 05 Mar 2019 18:52:17 +0000 I wonder what McCartney thought of the Ob-La-Di-Bla-Da line ?

By: Mr. Kite Tue, 26 Feb 2019 19:48:00 +0000 Had Clapton fallen for Patty as early as 1968?

By: Mr. Kite Tue, 26 Feb 2019 19:16:58 +0000 I love the song, but how do you “feel a taste all the time we’re apart”? I didn’t think a taste could be felt.

By: BeatleKen Thu, 07 Feb 2019 01:13:12 +0000 I agree

By: Lionel Fri, 09 Nov 2018 21:44:49 +0000 John was always almost absent from George’s songs. He sang some vocals Think For Yourself and is even heard complaining that he’s “useless in these sessions” on an unofficial recording of the session.
He’s also absent from ‘Only A Northern Song’, from ‘Taxman’ & ‘Old Brown Shoe’. On ‘Something’ he played piano but apparently he put so little effort into it that only a couple of phrases actually made the last mix.
When Harrison brought out his triple solo album Lennon confessed to the Rolling Stone magazine interview that it’s not his kind of music, and that he considered Harrison to be a lesser talent in comparison to himself and to Paul.

By: Kevin Mon, 15 Oct 2018 03:20:10 +0000 Just my opinion, the solo is intended to immatate a dentist drill. Thoughts?

By: Stefan Wed, 22 Aug 2018 11:52:03 +0000 Chocolate, because heroin is not radio friendly…

By: ThisGuitar Mon, 12 Feb 2018 06:01:47 +0000 Me too – so I did some investigation. I think the idea that John deliberately avoided a session for a George song is a total fallacy that some authors like to push. But it doesn’t stand up to any scrutiny if you read Lewisohn’s Recording Sessions or John Winn’s That Magic Feeling, or other books where the author actually deals in facts. There are songs – some are George’s, some are Paul’s – where John definitely did play guitar, but his contribution wasn’t included on the subsequent mix down of a backing track (e.g. I Want to Tell You) or was wiped by George and replaced (Gently Weeps, Old Brown Shoe, Something). So, if we’re looking for some sort of pattern, you could quite easily come up with one that suggests John’s contributions weren’t actually welcome on some of George’s (and Paul’s) songs … which is also rubbish, of course. Then there are songs where John was absent from ALL Beatles sessions for a period of time, anyway, such as for a full week in early October ’68 (when Yoko was pregnant and main recording for Savoy Truffle and Long Long Long took place), start of Abbey Road sessions (thereby missing Here Comes the Sun), and when he was in Denmark when a last-minute Let It Be session was held (ditto I Me Mine). Worth noting too that some authors are ignorant of John’s organ part on Blue Jay Way; that he supplied the tape loops for Piggies (and sang at the end); and was the only other Beatle present at the main session for Within You Without You (a song he loved). John supported the elevation of The Inner Light to a B-side (over his own Across the Universe) and, according to him, was the one most behind Old Brown Shoe and Something being issued on Beatles singles.

By: dgw28 Wed, 06 Dec 2017 01:42:59 +0000 Just a theory, but I have long believed that the Ob-La-Di reference was because George thought it was too sweet of a song and lacked substance…like candy. George certainly made no secret of his distain for the Ob-La-Di sessions.

By: Jim Ferrell Mon, 24 Jul 2017 04:35:42 +0000 I never understood before that the “them” in “you’ll have to have them all pulled out” was your teeth (or Eric’s teeth). Thanks Joe for the Harrison quote that makes it make sense.

Great song, great simple-but-perfect guitar solo, nice horn lines! And great playing all around–Chris Thomas’s electric piano, Ringo’s little intro fill, Paul’s monster bass line, George’s rhythm and lead…

By: SaxonMothersSon Sat, 11 Feb 2017 03:43:01 +0000 Probably my least favorite song on The Beatles. After a bit, I used to pick the needle up to skip it (vinyl). And in retrospect, knowing all the magnificent songs GH was storing up, it just seemed like an irritating, approaching snarky, throw-away. IMHO.
***Just as a side note, the maharishi sure didn’t bring this band of brothers together to make beautiful music.

By: Julie Bee Thu, 19 Jan 2017 01:31:52 +0000 I think that’s a gross overstatement about the saxes. They’re a bit edgey and overcompressed but it’s a rock n’ roll record. Sounds like how sax’s SHOULD sound on a rock number. What’d they expect?

By: park road 22 Sat, 26 Nov 2016 06:31:26 +0000 I never heard Chocolate Ice but it definitely sounds like it inspired Savoy Truffle.

By: Alejandro Corona Sat, 09 Jul 2016 04:06:30 +0000 I think he is taking aim at the hollow, easy-entertainment way of live without sense that makes up for Obladi-oblada. So he is actually criticizing Paul’s take on things

By: John Fri, 13 Nov 2015 22:37:45 +0000 But Glass onion is also on The White Album, so….

By: robert Sat, 29 Aug 2015 00:43:52 +0000 I always guessed that by the sound of the lead guitars they were plugged directly into the board and allowed to red line into distortion. they don’t sound mic’d at all. i’ve gotten the exact same tone by going straight into the sound mixing board.

By: Eric Fri, 28 Aug 2015 17:16:03 +0000 Ob-LA-Di Ob-La-Da sessions were a pain in the ass…

By: Sam Sun, 28 Jun 2015 20:25:31 +0000 >While the Beatles have referred to their own songs in other songs before (Glass Onion and I Am the Walrus mention other Beatle songs) what’s interesting about Savoy Truffle is that by mentioning Obla-di-obla-da, it refers to a song on the VERY SAME album as Savoy Truffle.

Maybe the first same-album-reference by *name* (unless you count the Sgt. Pepper reprise). One could argue it’s not the first same-album-reference. “I’m looking through you” references “Nowhere man” (‘I’m looking through you, and you’re nowhere’). Then there’s “Hold me tight”/”You’ve really got a hold on me” which play back-to-back on With The Beatles. In Revolver you’ve got the ‘float upstream’ on “I’m only sleeping” which pairs with the ‘relax and float downstream’ on “Tomorrow Never Knows” (the upstream-at-the-start/downstream-at-the-end thing suggests a kind of vortex motion which is very consistent with the ‘Revolver’ theme). Later on, there was the obvious Mean Mr. Mustard/Polythene Pam reference, but that might not count for obvious reasons.

By: Jim Sheridan Tue, 02 Jun 2015 22:19:16 +0000 I think they were the RS61 Line-level amps. They used EF37A valves in a triode-pentode-triode configuration and had a big old 72H inductor in the output section. Would love to clone a couple of them someday.
