Comments on: Piggies Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. Kite Thu, 21 Feb 2019 20:03:18 +0000 This song is a nihilistic write off of half the human race…unusual for George.

By: Steve chang Sat, 19 Jan 2019 19:47:47 +0000 I was never a fan of this song, but after the 50th the instrumental was just so beautiful with the harpsichord, the acoustic guitar and the bass that it became one of my favorites. Then I heard the 3 channels (front, middle and back) individually from the 5.1 mix and it was beyond superb.

By: robin Tue, 20 Nov 2018 16:09:41 +0000 As we know now, it comes from take 12. Inventive of them to comp this phrase in!

By: dale jodoin Sun, 11 Nov 2018 20:32:49 +0000 In their styes with all their backing
They don’t care what goes on around
In their eyes there’s something lacking
What they need’s a damn good whacking
I have never heard in their “eyes” there’s something lacking… I have heard in their “lives” there’s something left lacking

By: 850IS if you need a lift Sat, 14 Jul 2018 06:21:12 +0000 George was always hating on paul’s stuff but then makes ‘piggies’. Which is a fine song, but a dumb song.

By: Neil (SM) Mon, 29 May 2017 00:43:46 +0000 I thought the in anthology version I heard him sing it as “…to cut their porkchops” rather than eat.

By: Hennyon Wed, 03 May 2017 14:25:51 +0000 Deceivingly kiddietunish. Especially with those lyrics…it makes me smile.

By: Tara Thu, 21 Jul 2016 19:14:59 +0000 I love the striking hard “S” that he sings at the end of “in their starched white shirtSss”. So contemptuous!

By: Johan cavalli Wed, 27 May 2015 18:52:41 +0000 I think Piggies is one of the best songs in The White Album. It has a wonderful melody! Especially fine is when the melody is repeated, an only a little is changed “…stirring at the dirt…”. And the middle part is brilliant, the tension is still there.

By: Jose Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:29:09 +0000 I understand from listening to an interview with George Martin that recording one of Harrison’s songs was very tedious and painful. I wonder if the “one more time” at the end was in some way making a funny reference to that.

By: M Sterling Wed, 14 Aug 2013 22:05:10 +0000 hello! I made some fan art about this song Piggies, it’s a illustration, I hope you like it!

By: James Ferrell Wed, 10 Jul 2013 01:50:18 +0000 Good song, very much fitting into the chocolate box variety of the White Album. Great arrangement. and great bass sound. I think of this thunk thunk bass sound as being a real White Album thing. Anyone know if it’s the Rickenbacker with a pick DI?

By: some guy Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:51:18 +0000 harrison says ‘one more time’ at the end

By: Thuur Wed, 17 Apr 2013 09:02:51 +0000 What about the ‘One more time’ at the end, followed by the short orchestral swell? Who says it, how did it get there….Does anybody know?

By: Sir George Odd-Luc Pounty Walrus of the Camp Wed, 13 Mar 2013 15:13:08 +0000 Good morning you nice gentlemen, I would like to expuse my point of view by using this peculiarly useful and ingenious instrument of communication.
The message is clear and forthright: SAVE THE WALRUS.
And I will append one more message, wich complement the first idea: DON’T KILL THE WALRUS.
Because we the Walruses (or as I like to call, Great king Horses of the Sea), have the same value as the human beings (sometimes even more).
So, repeat with me: Power to the walrus!
Power to the walrus…
Power to the walrus… POWER TO THE WALRUS RIGHT NOW!
Thank you and goodbye.

By: Captain Kundalini Thu, 15 Dec 2011 14:45:41 +0000 Perfect song for the Occupy Wall Street Movement, don’t you think?

By: Joe Mon, 20 Sep 2010 19:39:48 +0000 In Mark Lewisohn’s brilliant The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, he quotes studio engineer Ken Townsend: “We fed the microphone signal through a very sharp echo chamber filter, an RS106, so that it chopped off everything above and below the 3.5 kilohertz level, creating a very narrow band of sound.”

By: Julian Mon, 20 Sep 2010 18:03:11 +0000 Yeah I was wondering about that, too!

Joe, do you know what effect was used on George’s vocal from the line:
“In their sties with all their backing” to “damn good whacking” line?

It sounds like distorted megaphone or something!

By: Joe Mon, 20 Sep 2010 16:27:16 +0000 I think you may be right, though it follows the bassline so closely it’s hard to be sure.

However, there are definitely two drum beats just before the “Everywhere there’s lots of piggies living piggy lives” bit. It’s in a different part of the stereo spectrum so probably wasn’t recorded at the same time as the bass/tambourine. I can’t be sure who it is but I’ll credit it to Ringo.

By: Julian Mon, 20 Sep 2010 15:57:34 +0000 I’m learning English, so sorry if it is confusing. But under Paul’s bass I can hear a bass drum. In the verse it’s:

Bass drum-tambourine-bass drum-tambourine, which is whole bar.

Then in the bridge it’s
bass drum-bass drum-bass drum-bass drum
& tambourine playing eighth notes (doubling up the speed of the bass drum). That’s what I meant to say & again, sorry if it’s confusing!
