Comments on: Only A Northern Song Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: DanL Wed, 04 Jul 2018 17:39:43 +0000 It’s ironic to me that the one point in this song where the chord progression really finds its groove is where he sings, “It doesn’t really matter what chords I play!”

By: sheldon goldstein Sat, 23 Jun 2018 22:04:16 +0000 It was Only a Northern Song

By: sheldon Sat, 23 Jun 2018 21:57:00 +0000 Brian only ever played Sax on You Know My Name (look up the number)

By: Carmen Weiss Thu, 08 Feb 2018 02:50:25 +0000 Yes! I actually only knew the song from the anthology until I heard the official one on the Sirius Beatles channel last year. While I loved the anthology version right from the start, the official version is just lacking. Ironic, since it has so much “more” in it. I’m not even sure I would have liked the song if I had started with that version. The lyrics lose so much, even bringing in the band, or saying “we” wrote it like that. The anthology version is so much more clever, and really sounds so much more confident within it’s self-debasement. Thank goodness for the Anthology bringing this gem out!

By: Brian Jarrell Mon, 30 Oct 2017 17:34:25 +0000 More the other way around

By: Teddy Salad Wed, 05 Jul 2017 20:51:18 +0000 With no other support than my own opinion, I have always thought that the harmony came from all four singing “brown” together, since they all had brown hair (with reddish tones for John).

By: Sgt. Pepper 67 Tue, 04 Jul 2017 21:57:41 +0000 I think John also played a Tambourine in this song.

By: Julian Bailinson Sun, 08 May 2016 22:51:31 +0000 Anyone else prefer the lyrics on the Anthology Version? There’s something I find much more amusing about the more self-deprecating lines, especially “You may think the words are not quite right. But they are, I just wrote them myself.”

By: Simon Tue, 13 Oct 2015 20:27:25 +0000 Personally, I think Only A Northern Song would be absolutely PERFECT on Magical Mystery Tour – that was more of a “fun album” rather than Sgt Pepper. I would exchange OANS for Your Mother Should Know on MMT and THAT would be an even better album than already.
Placing George’s other lost masterpiece – It’s All Too Much should be on Sgt Pepper (in track running order, maybe after Good Morning, Good Morning).

By: irierepublic Mon, 14 Sep 2015 20:56:27 +0000 I feel that “why so constantly innovating Rock” is pretty simple to piece together an understanding for an off the top of the head answer

~they each had wildly contrasting personalities, view on life, and other such things but blended perfectly as one
~everyone brought something to the table including new sounds (instruments, chords/tunings, vocals, ect.)
~Brian Epstein!!
~they hated being on stage singing love songs to noise cancelling screams of teenage girls, so they actually embraced and wanted a change instead of being forced by the suits
~Pressure and fighting to stay on top courtesy of the music industry
~ And aside from the obvious “superial musical talents” ……..
~It also must be some type of a GIANT equation of factors that i would imagine looks like this if it could look like anything (lol)———– [Drugs honestly might be the main and simple answer tho]

{new outcast (drop-out) culture in society + a new young smart open minded generation that wanted exploration of everything INCLUDING music+ public acceptance of mind body and soul expansion (natural or chemical) + A top notch music studio inhabited with 4 musical geniuses loaded with the newest and most evolved musical tech./equipment + a bunch of really friggin good LSD+ Epstein} == Limitless progression and evolving of new styles, sounds, and record ideas___ Now you Divide that by the Common Denominator { sum \ “Lennon;McCartney”} == the foundations ___ that total is finally Multiplied by the Constant as a Whole { sum X “The Beatles” } == the ground-breaking game-changing legacy an evolution/introduction of new musical styles, sounds, and albums.

im sure the mathematical terminology is far from correct format but; i hate math, still makes sense it”adds up” lmao

By: ren Sun, 03 May 2015 20:51:42 +0000 Did you seriously just call them the poor Beatles

By: beatledragon Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:15:13 +0000 Interesting point. Their drive to innovate was stunning. But they also had the chops to succeed. A rare combination.

By: oldfartbassplayer Walt Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:03:54 +0000 How many 60s survivors in the forum have pictures of themselves from those days?
Bell bottoms, tie-dyed shirts, long, disheveled hair and beards- just a little
cringe-worthy looking at this stuff NOW

I personally think this song fist in PERFECTLY with the spirit of psychedlic music when
it was recorded. So weird that it seemed to be recorded specifically for the Yellow
Submarine score

Now that our perceptions of ‘normal’ music have moved 40 years past, the song doesn’t
seem to appeal to as large a group – (hah- some of whom may not be as old as the
track is!).

But these sounds have been reverberating inside my head for decades, and I STILL LIKE

Just don’t get me started on 70s wardrobe and disco 😉

By: Seán Tue, 18 Nov 2014 11:23:47 +0000 As a child, this was the song from the film that fascinated me the most – especially with the psychedelic animation that went with it.

But musically it’s amazing; the chord changes are unrivalled and the reverberated organ is beautiful. I’m still trying to work out the drawbar registration for it.

I also think a notable point of this song is, whether intentional or not, George’s strong Liverpool accent, especially on the lines “It doesn’t really matter what clothes I wear/Or how I fare or if my hair is brown”. There’s also a peculiar harmony that appears on just the word “brown”, I’m assuming caused by a double-tracking error.

By: James Ferrell Fri, 04 Jul 2014 20:51:39 +0000 Right you are–very nice changes going into the refrain. The simple melody (starts out is a Lennonesque one-note melody) works well over the chords, and then there’s a nice release of the tension when he gets to “it’s only a Northern song.” Really effective.

By: James Ferrell Fri, 04 Jul 2014 20:38:50 +0000 Good observation–both the melody line and the almost-all-upbeats rhythm are very similar. Until you get to the “it doesn’t really matter part”, where OANS goes it’s own way.

By: Innerlighter Wed, 12 Feb 2014 17:57:28 +0000 He means ‘George’s version of Glass Onion’

By: Nigel Tue, 04 Feb 2014 19:27:24 +0000 This song has a special meaning for me, because I pretty much heard it the day it was originally released. I remember walking down the street and spotting a majestic, colourful new Beatles album in the store window. It was Yellow Submarine, with eye-popping cartoon characters on the cover. I immediately went in and bought the record. Couldn’t wait to get home to put it on, as I was the most raving Beatles fan (I was twelve at the time).

In my extreme excitement, I made a mistake and put side B first; the sounds of Martin’s symphony orchestra that started pouring out of the speakers completely shocked me. I skipped to the next track — same thing! I continued skipping over track after track, only to realize in my utmost horror that there are no Beatles to be heard!

I was desperate, and so I broke down in tears. My parents got upset and demanded explanation. When I explained my desperation, they laughed and brushed it off, saying that it’s okay.

After I’ve simmered down, I flipped over to the side A, and to my great relief, finally heard the Beatles. OK, Yellow Submarine was the famous song I’ve known all my childhood, but the next song (Only a Northern Song), was such a culture shock for me, that I still remember the extreme confusion this song initially put me in.

I continued listening and re-listening to the four new Beatles songs, until I got sleepy and went to bed.

But the next day, an amazing thing happened: I could not wait for the school classes to be over so that I could go home and listen to Only a Northern Song! That song got stuck in my head, I kept humming it all day long, as I was yearning to hear it again.

To this day, I feel that it’s one of the most magical, unbelievably creative and catchy and witty songs. Even playing it on my guitar, it sounds super special. George was a fantastic songwriter, and this is one of his best songs ever.

By: MIMS Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:19:46 +0000 There’s a George Martin quote about “Within You, Without You” where he talks about a song George presented for ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ that Martin thought was too boring, so he told him to go write another one (which turned out to be WY,WY). I’ve often wondered if this is the song he’s referring to or if George had another song that was never completed.

By: Sir Paul1969 Thu, 09 Jan 2014 07:04:22 +0000 Glass Onion was John’s composition, not George’s.
