Comments on: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeP Mon, 03 Dec 2018 01:28:16 +0000 Oooookay……

By: J Sammons Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:59:17 +0000 Todays musicians are so jealous that the Beatles are still leagues ahead of even 2020
They did all their music with the basics

With todays effects and gear and todays music is still mooo mooomoooooooooooING!! and repetitive nonsense. and a doh and a moo and a doh and a moo!! moanoooh moan!! “that is what sums up today.

Also 70s prog rock is still ahead of today’s rubbish “That was inventive and cosmic!!!
The Rolling Stones prove with no doubt that the old school is way ahead.

By: Laurie Marks Tue, 05 Jun 2018 01:30:09 +0000 Well said. Anyone who has played in a band knows that if you sit around for 8 hours rehearsing a song the night before, it is common that the song has changes made to the rough sketch brought into the band by one of its songwriting members. Whether it is changes to the music, to the lyrics, to the order of the verses/bridge/chorus, to the addition of a lead break, or whether it is just changing the arrangement – inevitably, a song will be ‘work-shopped’ until it emerges differently to the way it first sounded as a one man demo version. Some groups manage the song-writing credits better than others – some do not share it while others do. Some share the music but not the lyrics. The whole John vs Paul debate always seems a little vacuous, but it is the sort of esoteric speculation which may help some people to shed light on the possible inspiration behind particular songs or even a segment of a song.

By: Slipper of the Yard Sun, 03 Dec 2017 20:57:14 +0000 It is documented somewhere that the piano intro to Obla Di Obla Da was played by Lennon in a fit of frustration over the amount of takes it was taking to get the song right to Maccas satisfaction.

By: John Pepper Wed, 21 Jun 2017 18:59:03 +0000 On second thought, George Martin likely played it. McCartney played the Lowrey and overdubbed his bassline later on.

By: Corwin Booth Tue, 06 Jun 2017 18:10:23 +0000 I was just wondering this, so thought I’d reply to the old post… According to The Canteen, it is his 1964 Rickenbacker 4001S-LH bass.

By: Paul Mon, 05 Jun 2017 22:05:19 +0000 It’s worth noting that the booklet also says of the song “Getting Better”- writer: Paul, lead vocal: Paul. Yet Paul has often told the tale of how John came up with the line “It couldn’t get much worse”.

By: freesteph Thu, 01 Jun 2017 08:28:39 +0000 Have the exact same question. From Allan W. Pollacks’ notes:

First refrain: First phrase sounds like Paul solo but with ADT. Second phrase has John and Paul singing in unison. Third phrase has them singing in parallel thirds; with Paul as usual “on top”, so to speak.

By: toburn Sun, 28 May 2017 21:03:28 +0000 Since NPR has put out the Beatles “1st Take” of Lucy, I have to ask: is that really Take One? Mark Lewisohn’s The Beatles: Recording Sessions clearly states “Rehearsals of [Lucy], a marvelous new Lennon song, took so long on this night [Feb. 28, 1967] that no proper recordings were made. these would begin the next day.” Then, on March 1st, the notes say the first seven takes were recorded and there “was no lead vocal as yet…” I know why someone might invent the story of this recently released thing as Take One, but it seems to me a fabrication to label it so. Anyone care to assist me with trying to understand why they would now fabricate a Take One? Or was there a Take One made the night before (2-28-67) and only now it “surfaces”? I am calling “bulldust”!

By: peter pollack Sat, 20 May 2017 12:40:45 +0000 Question – it’s got to be Paul singing lead vocal in the chorus, isn’t it? Or is he singing harmony and he’s turned up predominantly in the mix?

By: Debbie Matthew Tue, 25 Apr 2017 19:02:41 +0000 I agree!! He became such a jerk when he teamed up with Yoko! I’m sure the song is about the picture his son drew and had nothing to do with the bitch Yoko!!

By: Robert Tue, 14 Mar 2017 16:44:46 +0000 Yoko in the Sky with Dollar Signs.

By: Jason Mon, 13 Mar 2017 18:56:12 +0000 So your kid draws you a picture and you write a song about it. You later reflect on how the song was about a mystery woman who would later steal you from aforementioned son’s mother. Awful. He was really an awful person. Yoko in the Sky with Diamonds. Lol.

By: Jason Mon, 13 Mar 2017 18:44:17 +0000 I don’t think Lennon needed acid to write these lyrics. I don’t think it occurred to him to even try until an interviewer of some sort asked him why he didn’t incorporate more of his In His Own Write writing style into his songs. I think the guy who wrote In His Own Write in ’63 or whatever could definitely have written these lyrics with or without LSD. Just my opinion. Incredible website! Thanks!!!

By: Than Fri, 10 Feb 2017 04:31:41 +0000 What kind of bass did Paul use during the recording?

By: kevintimba Thu, 09 Feb 2017 06:09:58 +0000 This is one of the most beautiful and innovative pop songs ever written. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but Ian MacDonald (“Revolution in the Head”) was a tonedeaf idiot with a huge vocabulary. He disses this song, Savoy Truffle and almost anything else with a truly original and innovative chord progression. He calls Lucy “poorly thought out” – sorry Ian – you should have written about culture and steered clear of music. Most of the Beatles greatest harmonic creations are built on two keys a whole step apart (Penny Lane, Martha My Dear, Maybe I’m Amazed, Hey Bulldog, I Am the Walrus, Good Day Sunshine, Magical Mystery Tour, Sgt. Pepper’s Reprise) but Lucy (like Dr. Robert) adds a third key to the mix.

By: John Pepper Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:27:10 +0000 Lennon probably played the piano.

By: Richard Boene Mon, 05 Sep 2016 22:52:43 +0000 Speaking as a musician with a background in jazz music, a music where improvisation based on preexisting chord patterns carries a rich legacy, I don’t think it would be unfair to assume that McCartney had improvised the opening instrumental passage while basing it over the original chord progression as written by Lennon.

By: Brooks Fri, 19 Aug 2016 16:24:52 +0000 John sings in the “middle eight” of “We Can Work it Out,” (or “bridge”), not the chorus. That is definitely a McCartney song. It follows the form that they usually used, certainly in the early days, of one writing the verses and chorus and letting the other write the bridge.

By: NancyDrew Tue, 14 Jun 2016 12:12:01 +0000 if im not wrong they always shared co-authorship of the songs. And if we are talking about taking about “yesterday”? ..the song was all written by mccartney but is credited to both of them
