Comments on: I’m So Tired Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paolo Thu, 19 Apr 2018 21:14:52 +0000 Paul’s voice is there also in the stereo version. It’s just lower in the mix.

By: manteau Mon, 08 May 2017 13:50:32 +0000 I’m not that interested in the mumbling at the end, but I do love the song, one of my favourites on the WA and particularly on side 2. You know, back in Beatles days, there were four vinyl sides, and I ‘ve always thought that side 2 was the least good of the double album, what with “Rocky racoon”, “Don’t pass me by”, “Blackbird”…So “I’m so tired”, placed after the sweet mainstream pop of “Martha my dear”, was a kind of redemption! love the progression leading to the climax!

By: Hennyon Wed, 03 May 2017 08:46:37 +0000 Lennon would probably have shaken his head to all interpretation speculations about his mumbling here.. I think it’s just the kind of nonsense gibberish you would mumble when you’re not quite awake, made up in the moment.

By: Johan cavalli Mon, 23 Jan 2017 18:57:24 +0000 I´m So Tired is one of Lennon´s masterpieces in The White Album. These l o n g and very h e a v y notes in the verse are wonderful. And then the +chord in “…I wonder should I I GET UP …”. Contrasting to this comes the middle part with short notes, and screaming, that suddenly stops, and the verse melody returns.

By: Karl Sat, 16 Jul 2016 21:03:09 +0000 I hear something like “Listen, bloodsucking monsieur. How ’bout Ed Sullivan? Dear, dear Julian.”, followed by his son Julian saying “pleh”, very audible. I think that John was just mumbling what happened to be on his mind. “Listen, bloodsucking monsieur” sounds like a gibberish thing a brilliant and literate mind like John’s could come up with, he might as well have read a book with vampires in it. He liked fantasy a lot, wicked things like Alice in the Wonderland.

The Ed Sullivan reference is clearly related to The Beatles. “How about another one?” would make so much more sense, as it could be referring to another take, but I just can’t hear that. No matter how many times I listen. And John didn’t make sense all the time.

Then he speaks to his son, Julian, who was with him in the studio at the time. THAT makes perfect sense at least.

By: Graham Paterson Sat, 07 May 2016 12:32:41 +0000 Great John Lennon song both lyrically and vocally. An insomnia anthem. Like a lot of people I love the line referring to Sir Walter Raleigh. The White Album what an eclectic and brilliant double album it is.

By: El Fri, 06 May 2016 17:05:57 +0000 “Listen, wait a sec, lemme see it, how bad is it, uh-huh…do…do you…tiddleling?” (child makes a sound). It’s a sound clip of Lennon comforting a child (his?) who has an ouchie of some kind!

Tiddling. From: Tiddle
transitive verb
dialectal, chiefly England : to rear or care for with excessive solicitude

By: Mirk Mon, 11 Jan 2016 06:47:11 +0000 Okay! So I was super curious about this whole end of the song thing, and I think I got to the bottom of it!

I did hear “Paul is dead,” played backwards but the “miss him” was pretty far fetched especially considering how strange it sounded, both ways it sounds backwards anyway, and although John was a jokester, I wasn’t sure how far he’d go for a stupid joke about Paul being dead. It just seemed like too much work.

SO I went back to previous recordings! Here’s a recording of Paul McCartney singing I’m So Tired, and strangely enough he sings that same part too! Unintelligible again, but it sounds like he’s trying to repeat it or emulate it, and he’s very giggly so he’s obviously making fun of it? I went back further to the demo of I’m So Tired John recorded in 1968 in George’s estate in Esher, and at the very end of the recording there’s some cut off conversation that sounds SUSPICIOUSLY a lot like that gibberish.

So this whole thing is like a game of telephone. My theory? First recording has the weird half cut off dialogue. Paul’s recording wants to emulate the demo perfectly, down to the weird ending dialogue, because Paul McCartney is a dork. Final recording, John Lennon also copies the half dialogue into his own weird gibberish like in Paul’s recording, so its like their own inside joke. Cause let’s be real guys, that doesn’t sound ANYTHING like “monsieur monsieur.”

By: Steve Kern Sat, 02 Jan 2016 01:47:05 +0000 Cursing Sir Walter, I always felt John meant he was not happy that he had made tobacco so popular.

By: Klaus Sun, 04 Oct 2015 11:26:27 +0000 I think at the end of the song John is mumbling in (not very good) german “Lass den Blödsinn, du musst hier arbeiten.” (“Stop that nonsense, go back to work!”) Probably a quote from the Hamburg days. The Beatles spoke and understood only very little german (Paul a bit more than the others), but they knew a lot of phrases and they often used to make fun of it (as you can hear it in “Geh raus”, their very funny german nonsense-version of “Get back”) Maybe they heard that phrase quite often from Bruno Koschmider, the owner of the Kaiserkeller, when they were stoned and fooled around.

By: Jude Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:51:43 +0000 Thanks. Is it from the Let it Be sessions ?

By: Jude Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:44:01 +0000 According to the book ” The Beatles Complete Scores “, it’s I-V aug-vi-iv for ” I Wonder should get up … )

By: mulds Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:22:59 +0000 Well, it’s obvious that they were trying to play with backwards speech, but in this instance it’s gibberish either forwards or backwards, unless it’s not in English and is related to something Satanic or Masonic or something. You have to remember that at this point the Beatles have been playing with backwards sound for a long time and would’ve done the same thing everybody does when they have access to that ability – record themselves speaking and reverse it. Then try to say the reverse sounds and reverse those so that it’s forwards again but with that backwards sound. John could’ve deliberately done the Paul is Dead stuff, or it could be coincidence, but he’s very likely to be trying something out. Paul is obviously trying something out too.

Experiment for you all to try – record in audacity (see video above) yourself saying the following – “Yah-Mum, Yah-La-Ik, Yah-La-Ik, Yah-La”. See if you can understand it when you reverse it. It’s not perfect, and a hint – it’s in a sort of pretend northern English accent.

By: talbobel Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:14:58 +0000 I’ve been a Beatle fan since 1963 I was standing in line at the music store back in 68, anxious to buy the White Album; I’ve heard “I’m so Tired” hundreds of times on cheap record players and full blown Hi-Fi rigs; I still hear the end of that song as mumbling in a dream…get it ? “I’m so Tired…dreaming…mumbling…simple, right ?

By: ScouseMouse Mon, 07 Jul 2014 17:33:08 +0000 John sings:
….. curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid get.

‘Stupid get’ is the expression used in northern England (where Liverpool is)
as opposed to ‘stupid git’, used in the south.

By: GRM Thu, 08 May 2014 18:57:17 +0000 I thought it was “And curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid git”. I’ll have to look that up.

By: Maximillian (@genialityofevil) Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:01:29 +0000 Well I Am The Walrus is an entire song that was designed to mislead people into thinking there was hidden meaning so it’s not a stretch to think they’d do the same considering all the other conspiracy theories the media came up with about them.

By: Mike Fri, 24 Jan 2014 18:11:40 +0000 He says “Monsieur Monsieur Monsieur. How ’bout another one?.” As it says above. But I don’t believe it is John. It sounds more like Paul or George. Who knows really?!

By: wuzt Fri, 06 Dec 2013 05:55:20 +0000 Good one! I like it!

By: wuzt Fri, 06 Dec 2013 05:50:59 +0000 Count me in that club.
