Comments on: I Feel Fine Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ole Wulff Sat, 16 Feb 2019 23:16:09 +0000

By: Mike Thu, 17 Jan 2019 19:54:20 +0000 Ringo can’t be playing drums on I Feel Fine, it’s clear from the promo video that Ringo’s actually playing the exercise bike on it!

By: Nancy J Miller Fri, 21 Sep 2018 03:58:43 +0000 Endearingly clumsy??! What the hell? Ringo was right on EVERY TIME. That’s why he bested Peter Best. Please. Get it straight.

By: mr678mr678 Wed, 29 Aug 2018 12:35:21 +0000 Well, Rock and roll music and the studio and radio version of The Night Before both have parts that are played the exact same way.

By: Steven Sun, 22 Apr 2018 03:00:43 +0000 It isn’t the music it is the space between. In I feel fine. the song climaxes with Ringos drums after the solo and it is this space that is the intense part for me. Very similar to when the drums come in in “what I’d say” and also near the end of “Get Back” ….Paul even comments on it in one of the takes.

It is all about the space.

By: Dennisen Tue, 10 Apr 2018 13:16:46 +0000 I had also heard that the sound created on the opening note was simply the thumbnail slowly leaning against the string. I tend to agree with this as feedback would likely have created harmonics in a higher range.

By: paul Tue, 27 Feb 2018 22:14:06 +0000 Those who want to talk about the monkees should go to their website.

By: Dave Mon, 24 Jul 2017 17:49:06 +0000 According to supplied informationJohn is supposed to be playing an acoustic Gibson guitar but the sound it emits seems to be a Rickenbacker sound! Is there any doubt that John is playing that Gibson as opposed his 325 Rickenbacker?

By: A Montreal Paul Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:02:22 +0000 In the end, I suppose it hardly matters whether or not Ringo “actually ” played on the recording, but I see no compelling reason to think that he didn’t. We all know that it’s easier to nail something tricky in the studio than it is to do it in live performance, which is one reason why arrangenents tend to be simplified in live performance. Also, if Ringo didn’t play it, why would Paul specifically draw attention to the issue by praising Ringo for his playing on the recording? If they actually got someone else to secretly play on it, why mention it at all?

By: Jim Ferrell Mon, 10 Apr 2017 04:35:10 +0000 On both sides of this late 1964 single (I Feel Fine b/w She’s a Woman) and their early 1964 single Can’t Buy Me Love b/w You Can’t Do That, the verse is blues-based and then the other bit (the chorus or the middle 8) is more “Beatles-y” and makes use of a major or minor III chord to get out of the bluesy stuff:

C (I) – em (III) – am (VI) [Can’t Buy Me Love]
G (I) – B (III#) – em (VI) [You Can’t Do That]
G (I) – bm (III) – C (IV) [I Feel Fine]
A (I) – c#m (III) – F# (VI#) [She’s A Woman]

After a string of singles that pretty much steer clear of blues changes and scales (Please Please Me, From Me to You, She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your Hand), it seems like they were getting back to their Cavern/Hamburg era rock-and-blues thing, but counterbalancing the bluesy parts with their own kind of chord changes for contrast.

By: MikeP Mon, 10 Apr 2017 00:32:17 +0000 Well, having just re-watched my DVD of the Sept. 1965 Ed Sullivan show, I will go to my grave believing you haven’t got a clue.
Ringo is playing the ride cymbal EXACTLY as he played it on the record- no “simple quarter note beat” here. (and in case you aren’t aware, they were playing live).

In addition (to address the riff playing mentioned elsewhere) , John plays the intro, then George takes over when John begins to sing (himself switching to rhythm). They do the same after the “solo” in the middle.

By: Charles Ross Fri, 23 Sep 2016 01:43:39 +0000 That’s “Memphis” – chuck berry!

By: Bongo Sat, 09 Apr 2016 13:29:15 +0000 I still get a kick how the U.S. Capitol Single of this song, along with the B-Side “She’s A Woman”, sounds so much different thanks to the Dexterized echo & reverb added to it. While it’s true that all the US mixes were dexterized, these 2 songs are most prevalent.

By: lillo78 Fri, 15 Jan 2016 08:36:16 +0000 i truly believe he can play it. In any case, if he couldn’t, the triplets could have been perfectly added by him as an overdub.

By: jennifur Sun Thu, 24 Dec 2015 07:31:54 +0000 that is also why i like Charlie Watts of the Stones. bet there are times(or were times) when he had a hard time hearing Mick sing as well.

By: jennifur Sun Thu, 24 Dec 2015 07:22:04 +0000 love it. that sound made the song for me.

By: John Tue, 29 Sep 2015 05:35:18 +0000 what is wrong with you people? he couldn’t play it in takes 1 through 6. he couldn’t play it live. he couldn’t play it on the BBC recordings. HE COULDN’T PLAY IT. it doesn’t mean anything else. it doesn’t mean ringo’s talents are belittled. it doesn’t mean the beatles should’ve kicked him out. it doesn’t mean other drummers shouldn’t give him credit. it just means there is no instance of ringo ever playing the song as in take 7, therefore very dubious that it was in fact ringo.

By: piston broke Sun, 12 Jul 2015 12:12:55 +0000 My questions – if Ringo was such an incompetent why wasn’t he thrown out the band in 1965? And why would the others use him on their solo albums? Or did they get session drummers but credit Ritchie?

For the record, I Feel Fine is pretty simple to play. And Ringo’s far too good a drummer not to have been able to knock it off.

By: Bill Thu, 09 Jul 2015 02:17:48 +0000 Let’s put this to rest once and for all. Bernard Purdie was a colossal ass with a colossal ego. The only Beatles recordings he was ever involved with were overdubs on Pete Best’s parts on some of the ’61 Hamburg recordings that were released by Atco in the U.S. This was confirmed many years ago.

By: Jack Tue, 07 Jul 2015 18:02:26 +0000 Hi folks!

A great debate here, part of which unfortunately cannot be resolved with the limited information we have.

The Beatles have this huge catalog of songs, and like any group with such a breadth of songs, other musicians occasionally sat in. Some partnerships were made obvious such as the participation of Billy Preston. Others apparently are state secrets which is stupid.

I saw Bernard Purdie lecture live and he mentioned there were several drummers on Beatles records. Now for some reason, the suggestion that Ringo did not play on X record developed into an attitude of “That is a horrible thing, clearly Ringo was incompetent if he did not play on X record” or some such hangups. You can tell me exactly what the hangup is because I never understood it, all I know is that it is there. So Bernard played a tune or two, Paul played a tune or two, maybe someone else did. SO WHAT?

Tthere is nothing left but to leave this plea: HEY PAUL AND RINGO, DARNIT WOULD YOU JUST PUBLISH WHO PLAYED ON DRUMS? There is no shame here for Ringo. Just surviving through John and Paul and the Beatles makes this laid back drummer a superman of a human being.

I liken this situation to that created by Jimmy Page. Have you ever heard him say, “Yea I copied Taurus into my own song”? One of the richest, most renowned guitarists, yet his ego is colossal and the words cannot come out of his mouth that, heck, he was actually influenced by another musician? The only contention is that he refuses to admit it. He can make the whole darn “Stairway” contention go away with a handful of words, but he will not do it.

Henley and Frey as well. They studied the Flying Burrito Brothers intensely, and completely copied their style, but created more pop hits that would make money. Do I ever hear these guys talking about their influences? No its always, “Me me me me me.”

Here is an example of what TO DO: The Beach Boys. While songs were flowing out of Brian faster than humanly possible, the group was on the road touring. They did not have the time nor the energy to be on the recordings as well, so the “Clique” recorded many of them. This is public knowledge. Does anyone revile the Beach Boys for this? No and you hear Al Jardine readily talk about it. Now they are not great musicians, and they clearly did not practice enough. BTW I am a great fan so take the criticism as being loving and respectful of what they did do, okay?

To the guy above who swears “I Feel Fine” is Bernard Purdie, yes, total dittos here. You can hear Purdie’s style a mile a way, its ridiculous on how individualistic he is. Listen to “The House That Jack Built” by Aretha, and it screams Purdie, even though there are no actual credits available.

To non-musicians: Just about any drummer can quickly learn any part that is laid out for them. It is far easier than learning a piano part or guitar part. Most likely it would be no big deal for Ringo to learn a part once someone else composed it. So this is not an issue of “Did Ringo have the ability to play this?.” Ringo is fairly limited in his style but Purdie studied a world of styles, was fluent in all of them, and could immediately apply them. Purdie would immediately hear a unique rhythm in a song and be able to lay it down as such. He is the kind of guy to fulfill a vision of John and Paul that rock drummers simply could not create. The compositions of the mid to late 60’s were far out of their realm. While criticized for not having “proof” Purdie’s claims in general make perfect sense given the skills and the people involved.

The Beatles themselves created this pseudo-disrespect for Ringo that would not otherwise exist. CLEAR IT UP PAUL AND RINGO. It is about time.
