Comments on: Hey Jude Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ron Nasty Thu, 28 Feb 2019 13:02:38 +0000 Contrary to what has been believed for many years, George did indeed play guitar for part of the session on the 30th, most likely the early takes done that day, before being banished to the control room.
Around 25 minutes of footage from the filming that day leaked around about a year ago. Though not presented in chronological order, George is shown with his guitar sat on a chair next to Paul’s piano, and he is clearly playing.
It seems the disagreement over George’s answering guitar phrase occurred on the 30th and not the 29th, or – at the least – Paul was willing to see if George had taken on board his criticisms the previous day at the beginning of the session before asking him not to play.

By: Gary Mon, 26 Nov 2018 21:56:48 +0000 Love John’s lower harmony on the last verse…classic also Paul’s sheepish look up on the Frost video, wondering if John is coming in….there it is..smiles all round..great moment.

By: MikeP Tue, 20 Nov 2018 01:31:16 +0000 You are a sad and misguided individual. I really think you are just trolling here.
BOTH have wonderful, timeless compositions, as well as both having duds. Hey Jude is among the former.

By: Francesco Ambrosini Wed, 14 Nov 2018 09:38:43 +0000 Hi to everybody,
I heard a strange thing during the long refrain: around 4:42 apparently someone burps!!
Have you ever noticed this or maybe I’m going slightly mad lol

By: MikeP Thu, 09 Aug 2018 13:41:50 +0000 Paul overdubbed the bass on the record. George plays the VI on the David Frost show (which was primarily mimed anyway).

By: Julio Thu, 19 Jul 2018 03:24:21 +0000 its weird i know this song is beautiful and i do enjoy it from time to time but it is really a drag. Would not make my top 50 list of Beatles songs. Blasphemy!!! I know

By: Stephen Pierce Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:05:16 +0000 Back in the late ’70’s/early ’80’s, there was a TV show called, “Name that tune.” I still remember catching one episode that was some kind of championship between the biggest winners of that year: one contestant had to challenge the other with “I can name that tune in 7 notes.” Then, the other would answer with “I can name that tune in 6 notes,” and so on. It rarely got below 4 notes before one contestant would stop and challenge with “Ok, name that tune.” Then the MC would play the first 4 (or whatever was declared) notes of the song on some kind of electric piano. Anyway, this time some dude declared, “I can name that tune in TWO NOTES.” And so they played just two notes. Without having to hear it twice, he blurts out, “Hey Jude!” No problem.

Now that’s a sign of a true wonder. How many songs can you recognize on the spot in two notes, but think about it. With “Hey Jude” how can you not.

By: Nina Sat, 23 Sep 2017 01:44:39 +0000 Exactly. Sorry for the egos but you do what’s best for the song. One thing that actually always impresses me about this song, besides the obvious, is that somehow I never find the 4 minutes of “nah nah nahs” tedious.

By: speffley bass Mon, 19 Jun 2017 19:45:27 +0000 @wksongwriter – this is an excellent point and fun topic. I agree “Hey Jude” is possibly the best example of a voice-only introduction in the Beatles’ catalog, and a favorite among the many that start this way. Paul’s voice starting “Hey Jude”, strikes just the right balance of sincere-caring with urgency and tenderness, that the song requires – especially when believed to be sung for Julian (I believe this to be true).
There are more than a few strong song contenders that also use this voice-only opening technique. “If I Fell”, “No Reply” and “Happiness Is A Warm Gun” are excellent examples of John’s voice in this role. It is John’s voice alone before the awesome John/Paul duet on “If I Fell”. Paul’s voice starting the tender “I Will” is contrasted dramatically with his famous voice-only rave-up on “I’m Down”. George’s voice alone (with plenty of reverb) kicks off “Everybody Wants To Be My Baby” before any instrument makes a sound. And as you said, there are many more!
But back to this song, it’s an excellent point to make. “Hey Jude”, as epic as it becomes, begins with a solitary human voice carrying compassion. And that makes it powerful from the start.

By: Josiah Fri, 27 Jan 2017 09:58:37 +0000 The music video is fantastic as well. The old guy who they apparently talked to a lot grabbing onto Paul and all. Wonder if the kids there knew they were going to be apart of history.

By: Josiah Fri, 27 Jan 2017 09:56:05 +0000 Sung this as my solo audition for choir a couple years back in Grade 6 I believe it was. Feels like an eternity ago. One of my first discoveries of The Beatles.

By: Vorpalsword Wed, 18 Jan 2017 14:21:48 +0000 Couldn’t agree more. Most songs of the era were 2:30, The Beatles said, ” yeah? Check this out”. Always rewriting the rule book.

By: wksongwriter Sat, 19 Nov 2016 22:57:55 +0000 I would just like to point out that Hey Jude is just one of many Beatle songs that start without an instrumental intro. The first thing you hear is the singers voice. Songs like No Reply, You’re Going To Lose That Girl, and All My Loving. It’s a very interesting and powerful technique. There are many more (not exactly sure how many) but Hey Jude is my favorite of the bunch.

By: Jack Sat, 19 Nov 2016 22:03:15 +0000 I love the Beatles and totally respect John and his music BUT he was flawed. Even the song imagine only serves to highlight his hypocrisy about money. He wrote it shortly before going into tax exile in America. The words possibly are an echo of his inner turmoil about leaving his homeland behind in search of mammon. This makes him interesting.

By: Jack Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:52:28 +0000 Shooting heroin is injecting it. That is not what John and Yoko did. They snorted it and smoked it. Some may see this as semantics but it does validate their denial that they ‘shot’ heroin.

By: Jack Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:44:52 +0000 On the other hand someone who gets under your skin is usually someone who annoys you.

By: Jack Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:29:21 +0000 As far as I know John and Yoko never injected heroin. They did however smoke it and that led to a period of addiction which is documented in Cold Turkey.

By: Jack Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:25:33 +0000 He did and on Dear Prudence. Ringo is on record talking about one of his pet hates was coming back from the toilet to find Paul playing his drums.

By: Jack Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:19:35 +0000 I have heard McCartney say this but I cant see any similarities myself.

By: Jack Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:15:43 +0000 No I Paul was right, the last thing this track needs it widdly guitar playing which serves no purpose.
