Comments on: Monkberry Moon Delight Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeP Tue, 23 Oct 2018 00:30:04 +0000 Not every utterance in this world is a reference to your beloved weed.

By: EROD Sat, 20 Oct 2018 15:31:19 +0000 Love McCartney and his music. Monkberry, kids song??? What does piano up my nose mean?

By: Gary Trieste Sat, 07 Jul 2018 22:10:28 +0000 I always considered MonkBerry Moon Delight to be a strain of marijuana.
The Beatles (and contemporary bands) always had to straight-face their explanations of their songs if it ever involved drugs, because if it ever got a plausible reputation as song about drug use, the radio stations would stop playing them.

By: Richard Silberfeld Fri, 25 May 2018 07:27:22 +0000 Outstanding!!!!! (-Rich, formerly from Pikeville)

By: Jeff Fri, 30 Mar 2018 06:00:18 +0000 Another generation is learning how great the music was in the 70’s and 80’s I listened to growing up. Monkberry Moon Delight is one of my all time favorites! I finally decided to see the meaning of the song, and it is very close to what I thought it was. Didn’t know Monk was code for milk. I thought that Monkberry Moon Delight was like White lightning from tomato’s. I hope to visit friends in Russia and Kazakhstan. They want me to bring my CD’s with my classic songs!!

By: Mirek Fri, 23 Feb 2018 16:50:59 +0000 In Poland this song was on the air quite often in 1973 or 74. I remember that the song’s title was translated as Charm of the foggy/bleary moon. ha ha
I bought the Paul cd box the other day and try to find out some meaning. Thanks to Google the mistery of this song becomes obvious. While reading the song words they were completely obscure for me. Owing to native speakers and their knowledge of the context like Billy Budapest pyjamas I could understand Paul’s sense of humour.

By: OLD BLUE GIT Wed, 06 Sep 2017 21:41:29 +0000 Its all about JL his acidic letters to The Melody Maker slagging off McCartney..”Don`t get the gist of your letter”…(after The Beatles split)…1970`s onward. “Catch up SUPER FURY,don`t get left behind”…Monkberry Moon Delight ex Strawberry fields…replay with backchat to JL in mind…it all fits!!

By: Charlotte Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:49:31 +0000 Lyrics compared to a painting…”He doesn’t want the listener stifled by one interpretation.”
I’ve always loved how Paul’s subtle, nuanced universality allows listeners to experience the song their own way. Big part of his unique genius.

By: I66y Tue, 23 May 2017 18:50:45 +0000 I love this thread! Good vibes from Paul on Ram, and Monkberry is one of the high points. Yes, as a teenager in the early 70’s I mourned the Beatles break-up. But the solo works were rich and thoughtful, a source of comfort through some rough times. McCartney and Ram were among my most worn-out LPs. Super-musical geniuses!

By: Travis Sat, 29 Apr 2017 11:47:54 +0000 Hmm, monks live in Abbies, there’s Abbey road, apple records, black berries. Paul McCartney invented the blackberry.

By: Boudewijn Tue, 11 Apr 2017 13:33:44 +0000 Interesting and moving comments here!
Although I don’t believe one need to understand lyrics to enjoy music, I was just curious.
Anyway, this is a masterpiece just like the album.

By: 60's Beatles Lover Dude Sun, 09 Apr 2017 15:43:30 +0000 And Paul with his sweet melodic voice only sings Pop songs and ballads right? Not, he can rock with the best of them.

By: primroseburrows (@primroseburrows) Sun, 02 Apr 2017 05:24:58 +0000 This is my very favorite McCartney song ever. Paul’s voice, Linda’s deadpan backing vocals, the driving, not at all overproduced music, and the silly nonsense lyrics, all of it. They were happy and having fun and it shows, and projects a similar state onto the listener.

By: Alan Friedman Sun, 19 Mar 2017 00:14:29 +0000 Lee, that is very astute and is actually something I’ve heard McCartney say when asked about lyrics, where he compares them to a painting and open to interpretation by the listener. He went so far as to say that he sometimes makes up explanations and meanings and changes the stories from time to time depending on how he feels at the time. He doesn’t want the listener stifled by one interpretation.

By: Alan Friedman Sun, 19 Mar 2017 00:00:46 +0000 Mick Forcell, I agree with you completely! McCartney is a pure musical genius… will never be another like him, and the most unique voice with incredible range and versatility. Who else can go from singing Yesterday or I Will, to Oh Darling or Monkberry Moon Delight, or Why Don’t We Do It In The Road? No one!!!

By: Geoff Tue, 17 Jan 2017 20:52:13 +0000 It already is, in a manner of speaking.

By: Jim Collentine Sun, 06 Nov 2016 04:46:04 +0000 I enjoy the interpretation of the lyrics that were always a bit cryptic to me. Paul’s intense vocal delivery along with some of the lines made me think this was Paul’s raw and naked expression of the uncertainty he felt about moving forward in the face of opposition from the other three Beatles towards him at that time. To go from a king of the popular culture to an unknown future under those circumstances must have been terrifying. “3 Legs” seems to be a more cerebral take on that, but this song to me was like John’s Plastic Ono Band album. The performance is as raw as Plastic Ono Band, but the meaning is partially obscured in the poetry. The abstract child inspired lyrics interpolated with phrases like “I stood with a knot in my stomach”, “the horrible sound of tomato” and “a rattle of rats had awoken the sinews the nerves and the veins” delivered with such intensity that it leaves all but the most accomplished artists in the dust. For a guy who’s often been wrongly dismissed for being lightweight, Paul is a brilliant lyricist/performer. And by the way, he was right about Alan Klein. It took a few years for the other three to catch up to him on that. He went on to be the most successful musician in the history of the world when you combine the Beatles and his post Beatles catalogue.

By: Arnie Porter Tue, 23 Aug 2016 04:26:34 +0000 What a great song. Forgot how good this album was when released 45 years ago. That in itself is amazing.

By: Eddie B Sun, 12 Jun 2016 03:11:28 +0000 It sounds more like an exotic brand of marijuana and some of the lyrics do too: ‘Of two youngsters concealed in a barrel, smoking monkberry moon delight and toward the end of the song ‘Try some of this, honey, What is it? Monkberry moon delight, but a lot of the Beatles songs had double meanings which is why you could read things in that weren’t there, hence the ‘Paul is dead!’ urban legend!

By: Yon Mon, 23 Nov 2015 20:00:26 +0000 and I thought he was parodying Dylan
