Comments on: Ram Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: per Fri, 08 Mar 2019 18:47:02 +0000 Being “sonically and musically creative” does not help if the song material is less than good. Music listeners very often have a difficulty recognizing what is what in that respect. They are too easily impressed with the more superficial components of a song. The same goes for Paul McCartney, he often does not know for sure if he has written a good or a not so good song. That is the reason why at least 80 percent of his album material is in general a source of disappointment.

By: Jay Tue, 13 Nov 2018 19:07:04 +0000 There are some less than great songs on it. But you’re missing out by sticking with a rigid opinion you probably formed 40 years ago. Sometimes you have to listen TO things to get them, instead of AT them. The sound and feel of this album seems like it belongs between MMT and the White Album. Few ex-Beatle solo albums are as sonically and musically creative as this album.

*Too Many People
3 Legs
Ram On
*Dear Boy
*Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
Smile Away
*Heart Of The Country
*Monkberry Moon Delight
Eat At Home
Long Haired Lady
Ram On
The Back Seat Of My Car

By: Jay Tue, 13 Nov 2018 19:00:04 +0000 No offense, but what difference does it make who lists what where? Few people were listening to “Mother” in the 70’s, yet Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey was a #1 single. “Pet Sounds” is listed, but it’s significance and the place whereit’s listed lives in a few people’s heads, and others just follow. POB is a mediocre album.

By: Iain Wed, 11 Jul 2018 10:07:36 +0000 Two of Us was about Paul and Linda getting lost on a Sunday afternoon. But it wasn’t really…

By: Y.O. Sat, 23 Jun 2018 04:15:28 +0000 Stan, I mean, Paul, I know that’s you! It’s ok boy, we forgive you and your bummer of a record.
Love, Yoko

By: per Tue, 03 Apr 2018 22:45:13 +0000 Ram is a rather lousy album. The song material is weak, with the exceptions of Uncle Albert and the verse refrains of The back seat of my car.

By: Jack Fri, 16 Dec 2016 21:12:17 +0000 Of course the Joseph Brush 100 best albums is list they all want to be on.

By: manteau Fri, 16 Sep 2016 07:10:43 +0000 Ram is no doubt my favourite Paul album, London town and Tug of war trailing behind. I’m not a dedicated Paul fan, but I enjoy good music and Ram is very good, the feeling is there,if ever there is a Mc Cartney album that’s close to the heart and not playing by the rules of the time it was recorded, that’s the one, far more interesting than its follow up, Wings wild life, that I also appreciate ( mostly side two ) with the heartbreaking “Dear friend”. It’s paul at his best!

By: Robert Tue, 13 Sep 2016 17:45:14 +0000 John bringing his “A” game with the lyrics. Don’t poke or poke back at him unless you don’t mind being referred to as a “cunt” or “twat” or both (see Sexy Sadie). Too bad part of John’s legacy is this kind of verbal (and physical) bullying.

By: Iain Wed, 07 Sep 2016 21:33:04 +0000 Agreed. Ram, and McCartney (in a different way) , were years ahead of their time. Right on critics in 1971, were still stuck in count me in Revolution mode.

By: Jennifer Thu, 30 Jun 2016 16:56:57 +0000 “Ram” vies for the Number One spot on my list of Macca albums. Sheer inventiveness and playfulness abound, with such delightful shifts in genre and tone from one track to the next – and yet it all manages to come together as a unified whole. From the opening’s evocative and almost haunting quality (the sense of anticipation is palpable at the start of “Too Many People”) to the rousingly anthemic “we believe that we can’t be wrong” at the close (in “The Back Seat of My Car”), it’s little short of a masterpiece.

Highlights: “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey” is utter perfection, with its multiple songs within a song and its constant shifts in tempo and melody that manage at once to be sudden and perfectly natural. No matter how many times I hear it I am delighted by the surprises on offer. “Monkberry Moon Delight” is as nonsensically wonderful as anything Lennon ever did in that vein, with a blistering powerhouse of a vocal. I like to offer this one up to naysayers who claim that Paul wrote only bland commercial pablum. The humor and abandon in “Smile Away” is infectious – that one always makes me want to open all the windows in the car and scream with glee. “Heart of the Country” is a little piece of acoustic perfection, a gently playful ode to nature that foreshadows later Macca songs like “Country Dreamer” or “Tomorrow.”

By: Randie Sat, 06 Feb 2016 19:43:31 +0000 I have always been a huge Beatles fan since I was 11,specifically a big highly impressed John and Paul fan and I started collecting their albums when I was 9,and I got my first Beatles book for 11th birthday,and I had every Beatles album by age 13.I was born after 1964 too. Bu I never loved this album like most people do and I really don’t understand all of the love for this album.And if it was the most Beatles sounding,as some people have said it is I would.I really think there are only 3 great songs on this album,the rocker Too Many People,Uncle Albert,and Back Seat of My Car.I think his 1975 Wings album Venus and Mars is his greatest post Beatles album and his best Wings album,and then Band On The Run,Red Rose Speedway and McCartney.

My older sister always said Ram was a good album,but she also bought Venus and Mars when it first came out and for years she said it was one of the best albums she ever heard and that it was really unique and that she knows no other album like it,and she had a very big diverse music collection of all different music artists.

By: Jack Fri, 11 Sep 2015 19:18:59 +0000 Indeed, there is a take of how do you sleep in which John Sings ‘ How do you sleep , you cunt ‘.

By: Graham Paterson Tue, 21 Apr 2015 11:13:51 +0000 This is an interesting album partly because of the music and of course the role some of the songs played in McCartney’s feud with Lennon at that time.I loved the US number 1 Uncle Albert/ Admiral Halsey when it was on the radio when I was kid. It is infectious and unmistakably in the vain of The Beatles Yellow Submarine. Smile Away is a great rocker , in the same way I love Another Days B side Oh Woman Oh Why. Like Paul McCartney’s first album it has received more critical praise in the fullness of time than what it got when it was first released.

By: John Petters Thu, 26 Mar 2015 19:01:18 +0000 Paul McCartney is still the best, he still plays today and i do not think John could of kept up. Even when John was alive McCartney was selling more albums than all beatles combined and trying different types of music and adding effect etc. McCartney tried all types of things and some worked and some didnt. But all bands changed as time went on. John was a good singer and needed Pauls imput to tone down some of johns later Beatles songs. John also didnt have the drive like Paul. Paul McCartney listened and learned as George Martin has said in the past. By 1975-6 Paul McCartney’s band WINGS was big that they could fill up stadiums anywhere and had smash hits and Number 1 albums. John Lennon rcould not keep up and didnt really change his music or add anything new musically except early on for the protest movement. That is why Paul sold way more albums than John. People buy what they want to hear and some people love John’s music. But i find alot of Johns songs downer songs that bring you down and I like feeling good and songs that pick you up, which McCartney is so good at doing. When John Lennon got shot it changed the way people looked at him and created the John Lennon of today that most think he was this nice, friendly, Peaceful and Loving Man who never ages or changes. This is all bull, he actually was a very mean spirited heroine addicted man that rarely played live music for any fans. If it was not for Paul McCartney playing and touring live for the last 50ish years their would be no reminder of the great Beatles songs. Paul has the better songs and beats out Lennon’s on sales every year. Also, Paul raised a family and supported all his children unlike John who moved away from his son in england and never returned once. His son grew up without John doing anything for him. This tells alot about a human being..

By: Brett Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:18:58 +0000 It’s on my list, so there. Pitchfork gave it an outstanding review upon its re-release. Maybe they should put out a new ’70s list. Or not, because who cares?

By: Cam Tue, 01 Jul 2014 07:23:08 +0000 Paul McCartneys best solo album ever. Monkberry Moon Delight is one of the most entertaining songs I’ve ever heard and Heart of the country is beautiful.
One of my favorite vinyl records to play.

By: Joseph Brush Wed, 21 May 2014 06:40:18 +0000 They can re-review Ram all they want but it still isn’t on any list of Pitchfork.

By: Keith Sat, 03 May 2014 15:58:40 +0000 I’ve only in recent years gotten into the Beatles solo works… And like you said it was always presented to me that Lennon ruled and McCartney sucked. As a result I put off getting much of McCartney’s work, especially Ram as most of what I’ve read slammed it. One night I’m at the store looking to add to my Beatles solo collection and the only thing they had was Ram, so I reluctantly bought it. Man was I pleasantly surprised, Ram is amazing. I can’t get enough of it! I don’t get all the hate for it, I think people got too wrapped up choosing between Lennon and McCartney and lost focus of what mattered, the music. They both wrote great stuff, they both had blah moments, enjoy both people! I learned not to let others reviews influence me, so often they have some form of bias in them. As the Beatles said, think for yourself! Now then, I’m gonna Ram On!

By: robert Sat, 05 Apr 2014 00:59:12 +0000 I would imagine that true to Paul’s word Dear Boy was written about Linda’s first husband, however, I also suspect that even in Paul’s own mind it also turned to thoughts of John. So it’s both.
