Comments on: Watching The Wheels Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: SusanB Mon, 01 Oct 2018 14:04:35 +0000 Thank you, John Lennon and wish you were still here. These lyrics can resonate with anyone who decides to step off the hamster wheel of consumerism, working non-stop and keeping up with the proverbial Joneses in order to just live, breathe, take up space, relax, think and be a human being. If you decide to no longer ride on the merry-go-round, perhaps in order to save your own life, before your designated retirement age of 67 or is it now 70, you will face questions, suspicion, criticism and pressure to get back on. There is relentless pressure in this culture to be constantly working, “achieving”, “keeping up” and it wears humans down, some to the point of illness, depression and/or no longer wanting to live.

John had the means to step away to care for his child but due to his prominence as an ex-Beatle (and perhaps sexism due to being a househusband and caring for a child) he faced pressure to “get back to where he once belonged” (yes, I realize that is a McCartney tune) . Eventually he did come back and we all know what happened.

Thank you, John, for this gift to humanity. “Watching the Wheels” has become my new mantra as I cautiously step off the merry-go-round at age 57 and have already been told that I’m crazy, lazy and I won’t be happy. And no, I did not ask for their opinion. I’m laughing through my tears.

By: Christopher Hedge Sat, 25 Aug 2018 01:47:30 +0000 So… obscure comment here, but I was a friend to Matthew Cunningham, the dulcimer player, back in those days. I happened upon him performing in the streets in San Francisco where I have a studio. I invited him to come and record and a friendship began. I remember him coming home from that New York trip and telling this story. No, he didn’t know who John was until sometime later and, while he thought it was kind of cool, he just moved on with his day, so to speak. He was an otherworldly character indeed, but very sweet natured and a good musician. At one point, I believe he passed shortly after, he gave me that dulcimer which I still have today and still use in the studio. It has “that” sound. I worked for Neil Young for quite a while and he appreciated the odd story of the instrument and the kind of person Matthew was. I also spent most of my career with Paul Horn who brought the guys to India and maintained his friendships for life. Strange circles and how “watching the wheels” turn can be amazing.

By: DarrenS Thu, 05 Oct 2017 11:43:34 +0000 A confession: I am not a huge fan of John Lennon’s solo work. It’s not that I think he wasn’t talented or that he wrote bad songs. I can recognize the genius. It’s just that I am not into songs dealing with politics or personal angst. I like songs with hooks and interesting wordplay, mostly. Having said that:

I absolutely love this song! It’s surely very personal, but it is relatable and not whiny or preachy. It’s almost matter of fact. And the rhyming is John Lennon all the way (“lost in confusion…, only solutions”). Brilliant! It’s also got an ending that is far sadder than he obviously intended because of what followed its’ release on the album (“I tell them there’s no hurry, I’m just sitting’ here doing time”). So unintentionally sad.

I recently heard the acoustic version on the radio (thanks you Sirius/XM Beatles channel!) and I think it’s better than the original album cut.

By: Naomi Tue, 19 May 2015 02:12:17 +0000 To me this song is “I’m Only Sleeping” meets the middle 8 of “We Can Work It Out.”

By: David (from Peru) Sat, 28 Mar 2015 22:13:15 +0000 I’ve just posted a video on YouTube with a mix between Imagine and Watching The Wheels I’ve made yesterday. Both songs are great and share many (harmonic) similarities, so I said “It’s easy if you try”, worked for 8 hours straight with Audacity and made this little mixed version (WtW as the backing track + Imagine vocals). Hope you can check it out! It is at: /watch?v=HrIsTWyMNQg

By: Graham Paterson Thu, 19 Mar 2015 10:49:54 +0000 Great song. I remember hearing this on the radio late in 1980 and thinking brilliant! Great lyrics, singing and piano.One of the best songs on Double Fantasy.
