Comments on: The Luck Of The Irish Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yellow Submariner Mon, 11 Mar 2019 00:28:03 +0000 IMHO, ‘Give Ireland Back…’ is the better of the 2 songs for its timeless message. Just change the settings and names. Besides, the Northern Irish conflict has never really ended for good as of yet. Lennon’s ‘Luck’ has the ‘Irish clichés’ but its choice language probably kept it from being used in history class and teach-in sessions when I was in middle school. His ‘SBS’ with Yoko Ono was used, I remember that with all the lyrical references to ‘Anglo pigs and Scotties’. When I was in HS the U2 album ‘WAR’ and its opening track ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ told us PLENTY in more explicit terms, not to mention ‘Invisible Sun’ by The Police which has a video that was banned by the BBC but not by MTV in the US.

By: Martin Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:56:06 +0000 Beside the point. But never mind.

By: Delia. Sat, 09 Jul 2016 03:38:30 +0000 I still sing it to myself today.

By: Joe Wed, 21 Oct 2015 10:28:31 +0000 Sorry to hear that Colin. Rest in peace, Tommy.

By: Colin Tue, 20 Oct 2015 20:42:16 +0000 Sad to say that the first poster in this thread, Tommy Doyle, passed away this morning at age 65 in the Staten Island University Hospital. He will be very missed by those who ever knew him and had the chance to jam with him. “Luck Of The Irish” was one of his favorite John Lennon songs.

By: Saor Alba Sun, 23 Aug 2015 02:19:08 +0000 “Yeah sure, Give Ireland Back To The Irish …. BUT vote NO for Scottish Independence!”

Hypocrisy at its best :-/

By: Joseph Brush Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:27:02 +0000 So many words, Martin, for two songs which are really two dogs with fleas.

By: Martin Sun, 01 Feb 2015 17:06:35 +0000 Yes, I’ve seen this point of view expressed a few times. But I would say the political, legal, social and historical status of the two cases is completely different, now and 40 years ago. And even if it were not, 40 years makes a difference to a person too, and to the larger world we have to live in. It is entirely legal in modern Britain to change one’s mind, you know. I think if we all inspect our beliefs we will find that 40 years of experience has made a big difference to the way we think about many things. That doesn’t necessarily mean we were not conscientious before, as we are conscientious now. If we are all to be judged and sneered at for supposedly inconsistent ideas espoused 40 years ago I dare say we are all in for a lot of humiliation! But I digress!! Sorry, Joe.

By: Joseph Brush Thu, 29 Jan 2015 13:33:46 +0000 Yeah sure, Give Ireland Back To The Irish …. BUT vote NO for Scottish Independence!

By: Martin Sun, 25 Jan 2015 18:05:15 +0000 Hi Joe,

I intended to comment on McCartney’s ‘Give Ireland Back to the Irish’ but your page on that one is blank as yet, so I came here. I hope you don’t mind. It is relevant.

It’s a mystery to me why ‘Give Ireland Back..’, released the previous February and only a few weeks after Bloody Sunday, attracts derision, often from the same people who will fall over themselves to excuse Lennon for The Luck of the Irish. I don’t include you in that remark, of course; but I think to call The Luck of the Irish ‘a little simplistic’ is quite kind of you 😉 – even neglecting Ono’s risible contributions!

As James says, it starts ok, but then we get a bunch of bathetic folk-song clichés, an adolescent level of political awareness and a train wreck of rhyme and meter: Ireland is a ‘land full of beauty and wonder’ , it is ‘raped by the British brigANDS!’ (ouch) who – of course – ‘ kill with God on their side’, whilst Irish history is ‘death and glory’ (yeah, yeah) celebrated by ‘the poets of auld Eireland’ (oh puhlease!). Oh, and the British ‘commit genocide-aye-ide’. What??? I mean come on, if you’re going to make such a crackingly bizarre assertion then at least do it with dignity, if not real commitment! On top of this the tune is totally uninspired – bog-standard pub-folk boiler-plate recycled from a hundred similar plodding ditties and delivered in an enervated, dreary performance that (let’s call it like it is) was frankly embarrassing to watch (and I’m still excluding Ono).

Then there’s McCartney’s ‘Give Ireland Back to the Irish’. Well, it’s a rush-job put together on the hoof, a throwaway, a bit of a scramble recorded in an afternoon. Yeats or Behan it ain’t! But by god it’s got more balls and fire and real-world point than Lennon’s insipid shanty that took him 3 weeks to record!

Tell me how would you like it
If on your way to work
You were stopped by Irish soldiers?
Would you lie down, do nothing?
Would you give in, or go berserk?

Great Britain and all her people
Say all people must be free;
And meanwhile back in Ireland
There’s a man who looks like me;
And he dreams of god and country
And he’s feeling really bad;
And he’s sitting in a prison.
Should he lie down? do nothing?
Should he give in? or go mad?

Give Ireland back to the Irish
Don’t make them have to take it away!
Give Ireland back to the Irish
Make Ireland Irish today!

And Macca managed at least a half-decent tune to go with it. Doggett described it as ‘inappropriately chirpy’. I’d describe it as having zest and bite without a trace of mawkishness or self-consciousness.

Was it just luck and commercial timing that meant that this song was a top-20 UK hit (in spite of zero airplay because of being banned), number 1 in Ireland and in Spain, and almost made the Billboard top 20 in the US, while Lennon’s made little impact anywhere despite multiple TV and public demo performances in America and release on the pretty dire ‘Sometime in NYC’ LP? I don’t think so .

Thanks for a great site.

By: Mike Thu, 10 May 2012 01:23:08 +0000 Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it’s been years and no one has replied to this comment! (though I do agree with all the comments about Yoko’s lyrics about “blarney stones” and “leprechauns”!

Tom Doyle, thank you so much for sharing that memory, wherever you are! If you see this, I’d love to hear more about your experience, I mean, I’ve got a thousand questions! i suppose you played with David Peel’s band? Great work at that concert, man, it’s one of my favorites, and I think those songs are much maligned. The definitive versions of “Luck of the Irish” and “John Sinclair” were the ones you played on, so thanks, man, seriously. What a concert.

By: James Mon, 21 Nov 2011 21:14:48 +0000 It’s really hard to write a good Irish nationalist song. Because one stanza of a Behan tune will destroy three chorus’ of this song. It really sucks because this song is built on a very good couplet
“If you had the luck of the irish you’d cry and wish you was dead
If you had the luck of the irish you’d wish you was english instead”
And then it turns into a lucky charms box.

By: Joe Fri, 23 Sep 2011 09:13:32 +0000 I think the line before that is the worst: “Let’s walk over rainbows like leprechauns”. Ghastly!

By: Tweeze Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:28:50 +0000 I have always been entirely frustrated that this very good tune was completely undermined by that one ‘blarney stone’ lyric.

By: Tom Doyle Sat, 11 Sep 2010 05:13:42 +0000 i rehersed the song with him at his bank street apt and receivingthe lyrics since i am of Irish decent sent chlls through me and I was proud to perform it with him the night at Ann arbor on 12 string guitar
