Comments on: How Do You Sleep? Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sylvain Sat, 22 Sep 2018 09:20:18 +0000 I’ve always reckoned that, in the 90s, they would have made music as Lennon & McCartney, like Page & Plant did.

By: Roger Stedina Sat, 18 Aug 2018 04:33:18 +0000 I believe that the Beatles would have reunited for something like “Live Aid” No new music, just a get together to help a good cause. George would’ve been the biggest hold out, for creating any new music. It could’ve been a great show by the 4 boss men.

By: Henrik Olson Mon, 12 Mar 2018 23:55:19 +0000 The Beatles reuniting would have been a bad idea. They NEVER would have been able to live up to the hype. They NEVER w would have surpassed the original material.

By: David mackin Wed, 31 Jan 2018 22:25:13 +0000 One thing that’s not mentioned here. Lennon was told to change original lyrics by Allen Klein. The song was going to be lawsuit against Lennon for libel. Lennon original line,

The only thing you done was yesterday but you pinched that bitch anyway oh how do you sleep

Now that’s Fanta static Lennon

By: coltsoriolesbullets1971 Tue, 21 Nov 2017 22:45:06 +0000 John, Paul and George were all bigger than Jesus, because they were 5’11”, and Jesus was 5’9″. However, Ringo was not bigger than Jesus because he was only 5’8″.

By: Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^< Fri, 30 Jun 2017 16:23:59 +0000 John. George wrote Wah Wah after his fist fight with John. The disagreement with Paul was days earlier. George walked out after a fight with John, and that’s when he wrote Wah Wah.

By: Water Falls Tue, 28 Mar 2017 22:55:35 +0000 “Those critical years you mention were spent trying to have a life with a newborn. Have you got something against someone trying to have a family life outside of showbiz?”
Not at all. Nothing wrong with anyone having or trying to have a family life outside of showbiz. Billions of people do so. And unlike Lennon, most do so without round the clock, full time, live in nannies, cooks, and maids to do the heavy lifting, leaving muse dry Lennon plenty of time to hide in his bedroom and drugout to his heart’s discontent, while finding time to criticize McCartney, Jagger, Dylan and Simon for thriving in the game he quit.
“…you omit in your comment any reference to the song on this page.”
You haven’t referenced HDYS either, except to comment to me about my not commenting on it. I hate the song. It stinks. At least the lyrics do. It’s bitter, rage filled, created to hurt a love one by a love, co-written and egged on by a Paul-hating A$$hole,(Klein,pissed at Macca cutting off access to his “hit making” pockets) and a talentless groupie,and now professional widow, who suckered Lennon into marrying her and trying to make her a star). The song is so beneath contempt, and John Lennon, who wanted the world to see him as a man striving toward peace, love, and understanding, none of which is found in this hate-filled diatribe of a song.

By: Joseph Brush Mon, 13 Mar 2017 20:11:20 +0000 Lots of artists have taken time off from producing music, it was just that back then John was one of the first.
Those “critical years” you mention were spent trying to have a life with a newborn.
Have you got something against someone trying to have a family life away from show biz?
Of course Macca has more hits, so far he has lived over 36 years longer than Lennon.
Last of all, you omit in your comment any reference to the song on this particular page and the reasons why John responded to asides made by Paul on the Ram album.

By: lindsay blair rennie Sat, 11 Mar 2017 14:29:34 +0000 Yes I would have to agree as Lennon after the break up little do anyone really know was hurting as the family was broken apart and he could not or did not know what was bothering him.

Sure the band members did not like yoko interfering a lot and this is where
john should seen this and spoke up. John was going to counciling at the time as I was reading loss family at early age was hurting him and came out in a few songs , one was mother. He was in love but my opinion yoko was a replacement for family that left him. It would have been very interesting to see what would have happened, the 1960,s were john lennon years that led the band and later paul towards the end to keep things together. 1967 on. Paul could not compete with yoko in the end as john looking for what he missed in life. my opinion

By: Ku Sat, 25 Feb 2017 21:33:42 +0000 Doesn’t matter what any of you think. What matter is that George liked the song and did a solo for it. All you silly little thoughts are completely irrelevant and come out of no logical thinking or musical education but out of pure and simple fanboyism. We might as well be speaking to Justine Bieber fans about his musical relevance, would get the same inane responses.

By: Jeff Carlson Sat, 25 Feb 2017 08:01:55 +0000 Lennon PC! That’s about as ridiculous as it gets……..

By: David Otto Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:57:22 +0000 John was referring to Faul and not Paul in this song

By: Andrew Grant Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:07:48 +0000 “PC crap”? You need to hear his “Spending some time in New York City” double record again, if you ever think that Lennon was politically correct! More than one song on it was controversial at the time (one of them has an obviously controversial NOW title and subject matter).

If anything, there isn’t many interviews or radio spots or songs that you can point to where Lennon is being a “pompous, self-congratulatory prick” … however there are MANY that show he was not only talented (seeing as he didn’t believe in such a thing) but also that he had been influenced by his peers and contemporaries musically … as well as influencing them himself. Nothing self-congratulatory in that either.

Your comment is nothing but a bitter P Mac fanboy’s statement.

Keep listening to Macca’s brand of sugar pop … and leave the appreciation of real music to use professionals – we outnumber your kind by 10 to 1.

By: Phil K Wed, 10 Feb 2016 18:41:10 +0000 Lennon WAS a pompous, self-congratulatory prick, talented or not.
If he hadn’t been murdered, he would have recorded umpteen albums and songs with Paul by now, and, like Paul – long past his sell by date. My own belief is Lennon and Mccartnmey would have reunited the Beatles for maybe another half dozen years then went back to solo albums, with Lennon boring the tits off everyone writing how unlimited islamic immigration is right and proper as long as it’s not next to him, and all the usual PC crap he swaddled himself in THEN

By: Randie Sat, 06 Feb 2016 20:49:33 +0000 The whole point is,is that as much as I love Paul McCartney,as a person for the most part and as music artist,(well at least from 1970-1975 when he did his best post Beatles music) Paul instigated this entire fight on record with John! Notice how there were no digs against John and Yoko on his first solo album,McCartney and there were no response digs at Paul on John’s first solo album,John Lennon Plastic Ono Band. So it wasn’t until Paul put the unkind digs at John and Yoko on Ram,that John rightfully responded. If someone picks on me for no justified reasons I’m going to react in an angry way.

As award winning music journalist and good friend of John’s for 18 years,Ray Coleman who said something like in his great John biography Lennon,why Paul who knew what John could be like(in other words how hurt and angry John was and psychologically messed up he was for most of his life because of the traumas he experienced as a child and teenager) would pick a fight on record with John will always remain a mystery.

Even more puzzling is that just one month before Paul released his Ram album, in this April 1971 Life Magazine interview he basically talks like things aren’t that bad between all four of them and that he wants them to get along etc

Paul knew very well that if Paul or anyone made digs against Yoko that John would really be very hurt and angry and would respond that way.

By: Randie Sat, 06 Feb 2016 19:53:25 +0000 And the countless *great* rock songs Paul wrote in The Beatles and during his early solo and Wings career.In fact it was Paul not John or George who was writing and playing (mostly) great rock and hard rock in the 70’s and that’s not a knock against John and George it’s just a fact.

That is an inaccurate and especially even more ridiculous comment coming from a Beatles fan and especially on a Beatles fan forum.

By: rwsjrss Fri, 05 Feb 2016 03:21:35 +0000 Yea Charlotte I couldn’t agree more. John was very jealous of Paul. I never realized how great a back up singer Paul was on John’s songs! If you ever have a chance to see Sir Paul, do it!

By: Water Falls Sat, 10 Oct 2015 02:33:36 +0000 Well then go listen to the crickets, and any other bugs your heart may fancy. You don’t have to like Paul McCartney’s music, but that won’t stop millions of his fans, young, old, new, worldwide, from loving him and/or his songs from his The Beatles days, early solo/duet efforts with his beloved Lovely Linda, to Wings era and finally solo. He is, like his songwriting partner/ musical soulmate John was, and in Paul’s case, still living, a legend and musical genius. Now go and enjoy the bug concert.

By: Greenlight Mon, 17 Aug 2015 18:28:49 +0000 Wings? Really? …After just having tried to watch a video of one of their concerts in the seventies (could only make it through 20 mins), I seriously would rather listen to crickets.

By: Revolt1983 Thu, 13 Aug 2015 08:29:19 +0000 True. I think Paul’s primadonna antics in the studio you know, treating the band as his back-up musicians instead of having a collaborative process to make the song up. I remember, reading one article where it was documented john’s frustration over Paul for finishing a song up without the band. John as so frustrated he allegedly muttered the words: “So that’s how you want it done then” or something to that effect. And of course John and Yoko did contribute to the frustrations because of their self-absorbed ways in the latter years whereas wives and gfs were off limits on the studio when the band worked here comes Yoko wagging something off to John. A suggestion or something.

Its also appalling to me John’s antics over Paul at the height of Beatlemania where he would just throw sudden digs even rudely mimicking Paul when he says: “Clap your hands” or “Stomp your feet”. I guess these broiled up so even at their height tensions were building. And as they say after their break-up it was a relief for all of them, well maybe not Paul at first but it was later.
