Comments on: John Lennon biography Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeP Sat, 15 Dec 2018 17:16:31 +0000 Without McCartney, there would’ve been no Lennon. And vice-versa.
Said and done – concisely and simply.

By: MikeP Sat, 15 Dec 2018 17:12:57 +0000 Wrong , Tony. Johan spends a great deal of his time throughout these blogs with his obsessive love of Lennon and obsessive ignorance/hate of McCartney, this with opinions and self-created thoughts presented as fact with no corroborating sources or quotes.
Johan is indeed in need of a life; dog and Robert (particularly) know of what they speak.

By: bmerlis1 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 22:13:00 +0000 There’s a fine line between healthy admiration and worrisome obsession as another commentator indicated here.

By: johan cavalli Wed, 08 Aug 2018 21:28:12 +0000 In the praised film about The Beatles Eight Days A Week by Ron Howard from 2016, Lennon´s songs are dominating: Please Please Me, You Can´t Do That, A Hard Day´s Night, If I Fell, Help, Ticket to Ride, It´s Only Love, Day Tripper, I´m A Looser, Girl, Norwegian Wood, Nowhere Man, I´m Only Sleeping, Tomorrow Never Knows, Don´t Let Me Down. When they took up the recording of Sgt Pepper, they played Strawberry Fields Forever, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and A Day In The Life, no other songs from that album,but at the same time there is a big picture of McCartney.(formerly a very common typical situation).

By: samantha Wed, 18 Jul 2018 06:02:48 +0000 John Lennon will never die.

By: johan cavalli Sat, 19 May 2018 20:03:18 +0000 Time really works for Lennon. His compositions can age better.The tendency in later years in the voting of The Beatles best 20 songs, Lennon´s compositions always are dominating, with for example:
–Strawberry Fields Forever,
–Come Together,
–Don´t let Me Down,
–I Am The Walrus,
–A Day In The Life,
— Rain,
–All You Need Is Love
and don´t forget Hey Bulldog,
a song that George Martin and McCartney stopped being released as single! and now there is a long story of that classic Lennon song in You Tube!!
Today Harrison´s songs Something, While My Guitar Weeps and Here Comes The Sun are equally popular as McCartney´s most popular songs!!
And Lennon´s solo songs are today more played than McCartney´s, for example:
–Jealous Guy,
–Woman, –
–Instant Karma,
–Give peace a Chance,
–A Working Class Hero,
–Grow Old With Me (on weddings nowadays).
This Lennon´s success is despite George Martin´s always patronizing of him. George Martin preferred McCartney´s conventional and “vertical” melodies.

By: johan cavalli Thu, 03 May 2018 12:57:02 +0000 Thank you.
I am not a writer.
I just happened to be paralyzed when I heard Please Please Me and Do You Want To Know a Secret the first time.

By: Hanna Sat, 04 Nov 2017 10:58:43 +0000 I noticed a mistake and would like to correct it politely.
John’s first school was actually Mosspits County Primary School. He was expelled in 1946 for misbehaviour and then enrolled in Dovedale Road Primary School. My source is ‘An Intimate Day by Day History’ by Barry Miles.

By: Lisa Fay Hoffman Sat, 30 Sep 2017 08:26:03 +0000 I agree! I love John Lennon

By: fern Tue, 19 Sep 2017 00:20:02 +0000 beautiful, are you a writer?

By: isacac Fri, 05 May 2017 14:36:25 +0000 he was a really good friend of mine

By: Tony Claar Wed, 26 Apr 2017 17:37:03 +0000 Live and let live. This man is happy writing what he wrote, and his chosen subject was a brilliant choice: the musical genius and founder of the Beatles, John Lennon. YOU are the one who needs to get his own life.

By: Robert Sun, 11 Dec 2016 00:06:42 +0000 True. As George Michael sang: “turn a different corner and we never would have met.” I,too, wish John had turned a different corner. He might even still be alive.

By: Robert Fri, 09 Dec 2016 00:37:35 +0000 When does healthy admiration become obsession?

By: dog Tue, 06 Dec 2016 21:28:11 +0000 get a life u spent way tooooooo much time on this

By: Joseph Brush Mon, 17 Oct 2016 16:51:28 +0000 Yeah, but let’s hear those other composers sing!
On several occasions when I have attended a wedding what song did they play? Not Porter, Dylan, Gershwin or McCartney! John Lennon’s Grow Old With Me.

By: Johan cavalli Sun, 24 Jul 2016 13:17:27 +0000 The greatness of John Lennon as i see it:

–The increasing tension. For example I Should Have Known Better. Before Lennon, all pop music structure was AABA, where the tension decreased in the middle part B. But with Lennon the tension from the verse continued in the middle part. Besides that, in this song it is not only a key change in the transition to the middle part, it is even a little key change in it. The increasing tension was what first characterized The Beatles. The first single where the verse lacked this increasing tension was Can´t Buy Me Love. (But the chorus is OK). I didn´t know then it was a McCartney composition. – Other ways of increase the tension by Lennon is to pack together several little songs. Happiness Is A Warm Gun consists of three or four songs, and Bring On The Lucie consists of three songs. –All You Need Is Love has another way: First talking, then repeating half singing, then singing, and finally the climax in chorus.
–The melody does not changes, but the background. For example in Strawberry Fields Forever and in Julia the singing melody uses the same notes, but instead the accompaniment changes! Listen to Puccini. He got tired of his sang melodies in Boheme and in Tosca he composed a lot where the sang melodies are often on the same notes, but the background changes instead. The effect can be stronger.
–Octave Leap. For example, in the middle part of Please Please Me, Lennon makes an octave run in “…it´s so hard to reason with YOU…”, the climax of the song. George Martin didn´t understand the quality in that. In his orchestration of it in Off The Beatle Track, Martin excludes the octave, the most important bit of the song!
–Verse and resolve. Typical for Lennon is a melody followed by a resolve, for example in No Reply “…I saw the light!”…and in Girl “girl! girl!…”. Lennon said that “a good song must have climax and resolve”.
–Only one chord. In Tomorrow Never Knows there is only one chord, or bass note, an innovation in pop music. In the Middle Ages it was common with that bordun note, an unchanged bass note. When Lennon played the song the first time for George Martin, Martin didn´t like it.
–Whole-tone scale. Most scales have both whole step and half steps between the notes in an octave. In the verse in Norwegian Wood, there is most whole steps, and that´s like the impressionists, for example Debussy. It sounds very clean.
–Church Modes. A Hard Day´s Night is written in the mixolydian mode, an ancient vocal scale, preserved in British, Irish and American folk song. –If you play the beginning of Please Please Me slowly, you can hear the similarities with the Westminster bells ringing. When Lennon was a little boy, he loved visiting the divine services. Afterwards he used to improvise anthem music. Westminster bells could unconsciously have inspired him to the beginning of Please Please Me. There is also anthem music in the beginning of All You Need Is Love: “love love love…”.
–The lamentation second. A little half step up in the scale. And that´s to indicate a pain. In All You Need Is Love Lennon sings the refrain twice unchanged and then suddenly the third time, rises a little, a very expressive and important step up. That step up started in the baroque epoch, and was called The lamentation second. When Lennon played it the first time to George Martin, Martin didn´t like it. He leaned towards McCartney and muttered: “It´s certainly repetitive”.
–From darkness to light. Happiness Is a Warm Gun starts with a little melancholy, and ends with enthusiasm.—In the middle part of I Am The Walrus the darkness switches over to light: “sitting in an English garden…”. And the transition from the chaos and darkness in Revolution 9 to the light in Good Night. That is very typical in Wagner´s music. I think that temperamentally the two were similar. And I think Wagner would have loved the arrangement in Glass Onion.
–Suggestive and hypnotic music. With small intervals between the notes in combination with some dissonance chord, Lennon can create a suggestive and hypnotic feeling in for example Across The Universe. It is more like Wagner than pop music.
–Few notes. With few, but effective notes, Lennon can create more feeling than McCartney with all his notes, for example in If I Fell and Love.
–A melody sang three times, in succession, with just a little change every time. When you hear it you can get frustrated or desperate not getting out from the melody. That we have in the middle part in I Call Your Name and in the middle part in And Your Bird Can Sing. And at the same time the melodies are stick together with a countermelody at the guitar. Rather hypnotic

By: lovelyRita3457 Mon, 04 Jul 2016 06:58:12 +0000 you are right

By: SouthofReality Thu, 10 Mar 2016 22:18:32 +0000 In November of 1980, two things happened almost at the same time: John’s return to the forefront of the pop*rock scene and the “Who Shot JR” episode of Dallas. You know what happened …

By: SouthofReality Thu, 10 Mar 2016 22:14:00 +0000 I like John Lennon, but the most brilliant and prolific composer of the 20th century is probably George Gershwin (discounting classical music) and I would rank Cole Porter, Bob Dylan, and several others above John Lennon.
