Comments on: George Martin Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: bmerlis1 Thu, 17 Jan 2019 23:46:26 +0000 He has half heartedly cited sources in some of his postings but has never verified their validity even then. My emphasis in that posting was on the word “only,” as opposed to “cite.”

By: MikeP Sun, 13 Jan 2019 00:00:30 +0000 Johan never does cite / support any of his claims. I am quite convinced he posts here simply to troll.

By: MikeP Sat, 12 Jan 2019 23:59:05 +0000 Very well said. With far more insight (and succinctness) than Johan has ever shown.

By: James Moffat Fri, 04 Jan 2019 13:03:59 +0000 Martin provided the musical constraints which allowed the innovative creativity of Mccartney and Lennon to flourish

By: MikeP Wed, 12 Dec 2018 16:33:54 +0000 I knew somebody who claimed they knew somebody……….
Good grief.

By: MikeP Wed, 12 Dec 2018 16:31:55 +0000 No, Johan can’t provide sources or quotes; he never does because they don’t exist.
His wildly fantastic, highly-biased, and unsupportable claims are scattered throughout these blogs.
I will give him credit, however. Some of said comments do provide a hearty laugh!

By: bmerlis1 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 22:09:17 +0000 Never mind that I don’t exactly agree with your basic opinion on George Martin (much less the rest of your writing here) but if you’re determined to be taken more seriously here, it would really help if you would not only cite your sources but show definitive proof as to their validity and legitimacy.

That would include your claim about you talking to members of a pop band in 1966 about Martin, which I asked you about almost two years ago, and you still have not given an answer for.

By: J Sat, 10 Nov 2018 14:58:00 +0000 George martin MADE the beatles:; sure they were a cover band in 62 but martin gave them the production that made them presentable, without him they would have never made it to the US, never been the “sensation” they get regarded as & never made it all the way till 1969 like they did, but they NEVER surpassed Brian Wilson.

By: johan cavalli Sun, 01 Jul 2018 08:54:04 +0000 George Martin indicates that he had no deeper understanding for music. In an interview 1982 George Martin said: “…John was inclined to leave things to us and do his rock n roll bits …while the music side was basically Paul…” How dared George Martin express himself in that way? It´s scandalous… “his rock n roll bits” ! Or George Martin must have been by some reason hostile to Lennon. Today it´s obvious that Lennon is one of the greatest c o m p o s e r ever. The man who composed The Beatles first hit the innovative Please Please Me, who composed the fantastic middle part in This Boy, who composed the lovely and sad melody in Girl, who composed the mighty anselm-like All You Need Is Love, the man who composed the cosmic Across The Universe, who composed the madrigal-like Because and who composed the wonderful oldfashioned Good Night. Are these compositions “rock n roll bits”?? George Martin damaged Lennon´s reputation, and self confidence, and contributed to the split of The Beatles.

By: Morgan Wright Fri, 01 Sep 2017 17:12:36 +0000 Who played piano on Lady Madonna?

By: bmerlis1 Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:30:59 +0000 Who was this band you interviewed in 1966 and what was their affiliation with George Martin?

By: A Montreal Paul Thu, 08 Dec 2016 16:01:24 +0000 The comedy records to which you refer were by legends such as the Goons, Peter Sellers, Beyond the Fringe, and Flanders and Swann. Many of the records were hits. What barrel was this at the bottom of?

By: Rock Paizis Sun, 13 Mar 2016 22:35:36 +0000 I’m very surprised by this banter between Johan and Richard. Are either of you musicians? I’m not here to toot my own horn but I have a pretty good grasp of music theory. Both John and Paul’s compositions were simply brilliant. Period. And George Martin was instrumental in making this great music accessible to the masses. That’s it! It’s not THAT complicated. I’ve read direct quotes from G.M. stating that both John and Paul were brilliant composers. Nothing I’ve heard him say sounds like he favored one over the other. He appreciated their brilliance and was surprised by their “blooming like plants in a hothouse”. He said they were very quick learners in the field of successful songwriting. And on many occasions, especially praised Lennon as having a “great voice”. One that could send “shivers down the spine”.

By: Johneric Sat, 12 Mar 2016 02:08:44 +0000 And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make
Thank you John, Paul, George & Ringo
RIP George Martin –Brian Epstein

By: rancicr85Joe Fri, 11 Mar 2016 19:06:14 +0000 Ironic that Johan Cavalli obsesses about George Martin’s failure to understand Lennon’s genius when It was Martin who suggested to accelerate the tempo on “Please Please Me.”
That change started the Beatles’ ascent to the stratosphere. I do think George was more simpatico with Paul, but that was more a matter of temperament and personality compatibility than any musical prejudice on George’s part. He had great respect for Lennon’s talent. How else do you account for his awesome contributions to “In My Life ,” ” Tomorrow Never Knows,” “I Am The Walrus,” and “Because”?

By: littlepatbelle Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:02:58 +0000 Very sad news. I only recently got into the Beatles and when I was reading about GM I thought about what a talented and a special person he was. Few weeks back I was thinking “I’m so glad despite his age he’s still alive…

By: August lake Wed, 09 Mar 2016 13:26:02 +0000 rest in peace. A great man who left us with his musical magic that will last forever.

By: Richard Boene Wed, 09 Mar 2016 07:06:10 +0000 It has been confirmed that George Martin passed away just yesterday at the age of 90. He will be greatly missed.

Ringo Starr and Sean Lennon have already given their public condolences.

By: Johan cavalli Sun, 06 Mar 2016 19:55:23 +0000 That George Martin missed the octave leap — the most important bit in the song – in his instrumental version of Please Please Me in the record “Off The Beatle Track” from 1964, reminds me about this: Pierre Boulez railed against conductors “who tried to make “Pelleas et Melisande” by Debussy, boring with discretion worthy footman, interpretation in which many contrasts in the work were reduced to a minute scale and robbed of their potency and violence.”. The conductors could not in the beginning interpret Debussy correct, as George Martin couldn´t interpret Lennon.

By: Tom Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:17:03 +0000 Simply put, All members, AND staff, played their parts. Sir George Martin did, in fact, arrive to The Beatles, with quite a qualified resume. He was successful BEFORE and AFTER The Beatles. As talented as The Beatles proved to be, I truly believe that, had George Martin not crossed paths with the group, they would have seen little, if ANY success. Likewise with Brian Epstein. The Beatles had gone from a leather-clad “Bar Band” to a group of poised professionals-thanks to Mr. Epstein’s guidance. His keen (and shrewd) business sense propelled the into a world marketplace that they couldn’t possibly have mustered, on their own-a marketplace they, perhaps, didn’t realize was out there. The Beatles ushered in the Stadium rock concert era…thanks to Brian Epstein. Imagine a 23 year old Paul, sitting on a chair, finger-picking YESTERDAY on his acoustic, with strings to accompany him. That was George Martin’s arrangement…and Brian Epstein who secured their bookings on large-scale, live TV, for the world to take it in…and THAT just scratches the surface for the contributions by Brian Epstein and Sir George Martin.
