Comments on: The White Album (The Beatles) Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Wieselquist Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:15:27 +0000 One day until: Thanksgiving 2018, 50th anniversary of The White Album, and 55 years since John Fitzgerald Kennedy was gunned down in the streets of Dallas, Texas, USA. It’s also 55 years to the day since the Beatles’ second album (actually their first properly produced album), With the Beatles, came out. That was just a coincidence, those last two happening 11/22/63.

TWA coming out 11/22/68 is NOT a coincidence. TWA is all about the assassinations of the Sixties and the general murderousness of Amerika.

From the first song “Back in the USSR” (you don’t know how lucky you arrrr, boy): “Flew in from Miami Beach, BOAC/ Didddn’t get to bed last night.” What a coincidence; JFK flew in to Texas (Houston first) from Miami Beach. But the hero of our song is much luckier than our last real President, for HE is back in the USSR, not the US of A. You know, the USA that squandered trillions of dollars of blood, sweat, and tears for absolutely nothing, The Cold War, the non-existent boogyman who had all the Bungalow Bill gun-fetishizers shaking in their knickers. And the morbid irony is that that boogyman USSR was much safer for the goodly creatures, let alone the First Citizen. And they had health care for all their people although most of their land was in the tundra, not the luxuriant temperate and sub-tropical zones. THEY had it hard and WE had it easy, yet they didn’t find it necessary to be Gun-Happy, dumb as dirt, Rocky Raccoon-type Piggies.

Then, if that didn’t break your heart enough, there’s Prudence, that achingly beautiful AMERICAN girl in a wonderfully beautiful world, but she won’t come out and play and take advantage of miraculous nature. Why? Medgar Evers, JFK, MLK, RFK, and about two million Southeast Asians came out to play and look what happened to them. It ain’t safe around those not-see Americans. And just the fear, loathing, and hatefulness in the air is enough to make you want to stay inside.

And on and on. It’s all too much.

When the Beatles hit the States early 1964, it was like flipping a light switch after what was happening around Tgiving 1963. I was there, Western Mass., in Mrs. (Rose) Fitzgerald’s fourth grade class. Scant weeks and months after JFKA, the Fabs hit like lightning. And late 1968 when TWA came out, the record stores couldn’t keep it in stock. The kids STUDIED that album. Even if we didn’t consciously see all the clues in this magna opera, we got the right idea. It was the beginning of the end of the Vietnam War. The Boom Generation (actually the Beast of Burden Generation) had the number of the so-called Greatest and Silent Generations. Actually the Greediest and Sneering/Smirking Generations.

By: MikeP Mon, 19 Nov 2018 16:46:36 +0000 Actually, they only recorded it in early ’68 before going to India. All the released versions are variations of the same take recorded at that time.

By: BeatleIDie Sun, 18 Nov 2018 20:47:11 +0000 If you want to take Revolution 9 out of the White Album you might as well take Revelations out of the Bible. The White Album was an inspired piece of work and the songs are there because the Beatles wanted them there. It was 1968, I was 18. Us Baby Boomers were rampant, trying to change the world. This was our soundtrack. There is no point in this speculation about which songs could have made a good singe LP. This is history, it happened. The Nazis could have won the war but they didn’t.

A lot of people seem to want the playful stuff like Rocky Raccoon, Why don’t we do it in the road, Bungalow Bill off. They say with Lady Madonna, etc. it could have been the best rock album ever. It already was. The point about the White Album has already been made but deserves repeating – it was making the point that it was not Sgt Pepper Volume Two. So the whole concept album thing, the whole we buried the Beatles and now we are Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the whole complexity thing, the elaborate cover, the “over”-production, all of that was to be overturned by the White Album, which appropriately was called sinply THE BEATLES. Sgt was over, it was back to the Beatles.

It was so long because they went on a meditation retreat in India with the Maharishi, Donovan, Mia Farrow, Mike Love of the Beach Boys and a slew of other rock and other celebrities. The environment and the atmosphere was conducive to creativity. The Beatles, the creators of the concept album, was also the first to abandon it, so with the songs not having to be forced into a concept or a common theme, they gave their creativity free reign and returned to England with a huge mixed bag of new material. Then it was just, here it all is – the Beatles. The thing about the contract is crap, the didn’t pay attention to stuff like that.

I read that even Beatles insiders, Apple people, complained that the White Album was thin on good old Beatles rock ‘n’ roll. One of them were saying “It’s not really Beatles music”, to which Paul McCartney replied, “We are the Beatles, we made it, so it is Beatles music. We decide what is Beatles music.

Personally, I think it is a wonderful tribute to a wide range of musical styles, rock, rockabilly, country and western, heavy metal, experimental rock, R&B, soul, pshychedelia, you name it. They should have included You know my name (Look up the number), which would have added jazz. This variety makes the length digestible, unlike the BeeGees copy-cat attempt, Odessa, the “Red Album”, which was all one style and flopped miserably.

So hands off the Great White. There is not one track on there that is not much better than the forgettable rubbish on the radio now. And it is Baby Boomer history. You younger generations go and invent your own music and then you can sit and pull it apart.

By: MikeP Wed, 07 Nov 2018 00:46:58 +0000 Someone needs a nap….

By: cara Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:40:51 +0000 i have a copy of the white album with no 0001465 does anyone know value please

By: A Mon, 26 Mar 2018 20:36:33 +0000 It explains why in the damn article. The artist who conceptualised the cover asked if they had an album called The Beatles yet… And voilà

By: Jimmy Thu, 15 Feb 2018 20:31:16 +0000 I can’t believe you have references and quotes from an evil murderer, we all know what that monster said, so no need to give “it” the space on here.

By: Pyramidman Sun, 11 Feb 2018 14:39:55 +0000 Hi, i’ve picked up a copy of the white album with 5 photographs instead of the standard 4. There are 2 images of Ringo; the standard one where he is looking to the left plus a ”reversed” duplicate image of him looking to the right. Does anyone else know of this second Ringo image?

By: Roy Wieselquist Sat, 23 Dec 2017 06:07:37 +0000 Duckrabbit,
You nailed it with, “…this is Parody…with a hard edge of disturbing and mysterious vibes.”

TWA was released 11/22/68 in England, the fifth anniversary of the JFK assassination, on purpose I believe. (A sheer coincidence that bugged them, 11/22/63 was also the release date of the Beatles’ second album, With the Beatles, their first properly produce LP.) The US release for TWA was 11/25/68, five years to the day after Jack’s massive funeral. “Disturbing” for sure, TWA is all about murderous America — Vietnam was at its worst and MLK and RFK had been murdered the previous April and June.

Parody, Satire — Jonathan Swift said, “Satire is the last refuge of a pure heart” and “So many ask me, ‘Why write satire?’ I tell them, ‘How can I NOT write satire?'”

You also hit the mark with, “…what many intelligent listeners realized when TWA came out was that alot of the lyrics and musical send-ups were hilarious!” The secret of the Fabs was Comedy, their Humor. Who else could make funny stories about gun-slinging, idiotic cowards like Rocky Racoon and Bungalow Bill?

Also, you are correct that, “Many intellectual … people embraced TWA enthusiastically where the Beatles would not have grabbed them before.” Very true. And many didn’t know why, consciously. When that album came out, many of my teen-age peers Studied it. They knew there were Clues there.

Another secret of the Beatles was their use of Contrast. Case in point, Revolution #9 preceded by Cry, Baby, Cry and followed by the saccharine Good Night, which translates “Go back to sleep, you dumb whistle-by-the-graveyard Americans.”

By: Fernando Ballester Thu, 14 Dec 2017 16:49:35 +0000 Dear all, my proposal for the White Album is:
To add: Across the Universe, Lady Madonna, The Inner Light, Hey Jude, Hey Bulldog
To eliminate: Wild Honey Pie, Bungalow Bill, Rocky Raccoon, Don’t Pass Me By
It would have been, and no doubt about it, for me obviously, the best rock’n’roll album EVER.
What do you think?

By: Slipper of the Yard. Sat, 25 Nov 2017 21:04:16 +0000 I don’t understand this claim that John remerged as a major song writer during the White Album. Re emerged from what ? Strawberry fields forever? I am the Walrus? Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite? All you need is love? A Day in the Life ?All from the previous year and all absolute masterpieces.

By: Slipper of the Yard. Sat, 25 Nov 2017 20:38:26 +0000 1967. They recorded several versions of this song over a few years.

By: andrew cherrington Wed, 22 Nov 2017 19:08:35 +0000 No contractual obligations at that time. They just had so many songs written from their time in India that they had to use them up. I’m glad they did. Best Beatles Album in my humble opinion.

By: Andrew Cherrington Wed, 22 Nov 2017 19:03:49 +0000 it wasn’t the original cover. Maybe a Bootleg cover?

By: Jeffrey Wed, 15 Nov 2017 20:47:43 +0000 Diden’t they make it a double album to have better sound quality
To much information on one disc would
have comprimised the sound quality.

By: davy jones Fri, 10 Nov 2017 20:41:16 +0000 Half the white album is crap, if you sit back and listen to it you will know it is crap, if you take all the crap songs and put it on one album, it could be called the crap album, and if released as the crap album , it would not sell anywhere near as the good album

By: Robert Britton Thu, 05 Oct 2017 10:04:29 +0000 The White Album is the most musically diverse, interesting and imaginative Beatles’ album. I hope that Giles Martin produces a 50th Anniversary ‘Box Set’ for release in November 2018, incorporating unreleased music from the Esher demos, and extensive film from 1968, not previously release (other than in snippets from the Anthology videos) as bonus discs.

By: Mick Sun, 24 Sep 2017 12:59:07 +0000 Trying to come up with a single disc, i could only eliminate 12. And some of them were good tunes. So replacing the worst of them with better tracks seemed reasonable. Taking Revolution 9 off and replacing it with New Mary Jane for instance.

By: Mick Sun, 24 Sep 2017 12:47:06 +0000 Yeah. Revolution 9 wasn’t great. Bir still a fine album. I agree with George Harrison’s later assessment that a lot of songs could have been elbowed or relegated to B-sides and make it a single disc. But I would still leave 18 tunes on there.

By: Anthony Sat, 26 Aug 2017 16:50:26 +0000 That’s a debunked myth. The reason for the white cover is because it was in stark contrast to the cover of their previous album.
