Comments on: Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vernon Smith Sun, 31 Mar 2019 05:27:09 +0000 I’m sure you have Martin on camera or tape saying this correct? All I’ve ever seen Sir George speak about was how he took two “incomplete” songs given to him from Paul and John where he worked out the basic arrangement which eventually became Day In The Life.

By: Vernon Smith Sun, 31 Mar 2019 05:18:50 +0000 Beatles fandom myth begins…”Sgt. Peppers is the first concept album”. Myth dispelled by actual Beatle John, who says, ” besides the opening song leading into the next song, you could take any song off this album and put it onto any of our albums”. Of course, as we all know, a concept album is when all songs were written with a predetermined theme each relating to another. When I’m 64 was written by Paul when he was 16. Benefit for Mr.Kite was written by John by essentially rewriting what he had read off an antique poster.

By: John Fri, 30 Nov 2018 12:19:06 +0000 On Sgt Pepper, (on the CD) shouldn’t the “hidden track” be somehow hidden instead of tagged on the end of A Day In The Life? Like with a signal that the CD is over and just ends, unless you hit the skip button to go to the final track before it stops (if you want to hear it). I mean it would be a little more “in the day” that way.

By: Teddy Salad Wed, 11 Oct 2017 18:30:04 +0000 A number of sources (Wikipedia being one, so tread lightly) say that the album was going to be called Dr. Pepper’s LHCB, but wasn’t because of the soda in the US. If true, that puts Macca’s name origin story in a different light.

By: Teddy Salad Wed, 11 Oct 2017 18:15:06 +0000 Pet Sounds was released in 1966. Was Brian Wilson influenced by an advance copy of Sgt. Pepper? The album you are thinking of is Rubber Soul.

By: Gustavo Solórzano Alfaro Mon, 05 Jun 2017 14:35:34 +0000 I would like to know if you intend to take into account the information that appears in the 50th anniversary deluxe edition of “Sgt Pepper”. There are lots of new and interesting things. For example, John’s bass in “Fixing a Hole,” George’s mellotron on “Strawberry …” or Paul and Ringo drumming on “Good Morning …”, which explains that full sound. However, there are also contradictions or omissions. For example, in “Strawberry …” they do not say who plays the piano or percussion. In “A Day in the Life” it says that John plays piano, but it does not specify if it only refers to the final chord, because in the line-up it does not specify who they played in that chord. In “Being the benefit …” they omit John’s piano and Lowery, but they talk about a Martin mellotron. What do you think?

By: david Thu, 01 Jun 2017 14:56:50 +0000 Game changer. I think John outshone Paul on this one. The most creative song (in my opinion) was George’s song, though. That song changed me.

By: Martin Mon, 29 May 2017 11:04:17 +0000 Beatles Bible states that “Sgt. Pepper” was issued (in the UK) on 1st June 1967. I am certain it was issued on 26th May 1967. The Beatle Monthly magazine issued on 1st June 1967 indicates that the release had already happened and the album entered the UK album chart at No. 1 on a chart published 1st June 1967, both signifying that the release must be before 1st June. Interestingly, the 2017 50th anniversary remix/reissue was released on 26th May 2017, which ties in exactly with what I think/remember as being the original release date in 1967.

By: Trixie Sat, 27 May 2017 21:20:30 +0000 Ah yes Avery Road my fav Beatles
I read a quote from George once where he stated for him making Sgt Peppers was not a pleasant experience. It was Paul’s baby and he only allowed the others to contribute as he saw fit.
Personally I prefer the White Album and Revolver and Abbey Road being my fav Beatles album.

By: Garth Moore Wed, 17 May 2017 13:43:20 +0000 Sgt Pepper is the most important rock album ever released, period. It was a group effort with Paul helming some of the concepts. It’s ridiculous call Pepper Paul’s “solo album,” as it would be to call Hard Day’s Night a John “solo album.” They were a group, worked together, and ideas went across with each other, regardless of who sang or played lead guitar.

Pepper changed everything about music, fashion, art, conceptual music, recording, and won the first Best Album Grammy for a rock album. The songs hold up, especially when listened through as a complete work. It is very much a British album, but an interesting collage of sounds and stories. You can like Revolver or Avery Road more (and for some good reasons). But, you can’t deny Pepper as a musical statement that rises above all other musical statements for the last 50 years. I hope my kids are still listening to “many years from now.”

By: Ken Wed, 19 Apr 2017 13:46:58 +0000 ” it really doesn’t matter how the music sounds if the lyrics and inspiration aren’t too great.”

What a ridiculous statement. A good song comprises of both good lyrics AND good tunes. When you listen to a song for the first time, which part usually grabs your attention first, the melody or the lyrics? In fact, most people can barely tell what the full lyrics of a song is on their first listen, apart from the chorus perhaps.

How anyone on this earth can even think a song, which is by definition “a short piece of music”, does not require much consideration on the sound and only need lyrics to make it good is beyond me.

By: Robert Wed, 18 Jan 2017 14:55:17 +0000 I was being facetious.

By: Johan cavalli Tue, 17 Jan 2017 19:29:04 +0000 You are quite right. It´s a very weak product.

By: Robert Sun, 15 Jan 2017 15:52:22 +0000 This lousy album has gone platinum 11x. That’s a lot of people fooled by such a weak product. Egads.

By: Johan cavalli Sat, 10 Dec 2016 15:30:42 +0000 Very well written pat! Yeas I agree, “Maybe Lennon drank too much tea those days”, ha.

By: Ben Bettles Mon, 17 Oct 2016 09:59:24 +0000 I think George Martin might have been involved !!

By: pat Tue, 06 Sep 2016 01:57:50 +0000 I think Pepper is a little too Paul-heavy but maybe that’s just how the group dynamic was in 1967. Lennon later said he’d had no energy at the time to write more material and Paul just kept pounding it out. Maybe John drank too much tea in those days but the ones he did come up with were standouts and became total classics: Strawberry Fields, A Day In The Life, Lucy In The Sky, I Am The Walrus…most songwriters would sell their soul to write just ONE of that calibre. To me Rubber Soul has the best songs, Revolver is the hippest and the White Album is the coolest. Pepper stands out because of the brilliant production, the care for details and arrangement – I think they were really trying to keep ahead of Brian Wilson who was coming in close and had scared them a little with Pet Sounds and Good Vibrations (not to mention the incredible – and totally justified – hype around the Smile sessions). All in all it’s a great album that has become a pop culture icon but is it really their best? I don’t know, I think they’ve made better records but to quote George Martin “horses for courses”.

By: Lucky Timo Thu, 17 Dec 2015 22:52:23 +0000 Even if Strawberry and Penny were added to Peppper, that would’ve pushed it to 47 minutes, the length of Abbey Road. Would not have been a double album.

By: DarrrenS Thu, 08 Oct 2015 15:12:06 +0000 Oh for pete’s sake. LSD was co-written, for the umpteenth time! They both said this. And John’s part of ADITL wouldn’t have the same impact without being juxtaposed with the orchestral orgasms and Paul’s middle part. And Kite is helped a great deal by George Martin’s carnival sounds.

IMO, this is a great album. The opening song has a great riff, and a great vocal. It flows really well throughout to the final song. There is something for everyone, with multiple genres captured. Rock, pop, ballads, tin pan alley, Indian, psychedelic, etc… Lots of experimentation, lots of little things to find and appreciate after years of listening. It never gets old. There is no need to denigrate it in order to elevate something else.

And stop elevating one of them (J, P, G, R) over the others. The Beatles don’t exist without the 4 of them (or at the very least, John, Paul and George). In all probability, John Lennon writes nothing anyone ever hears about without Paul McCartney. And vice-versa.

By: Mike Thu, 08 Oct 2015 03:16:38 +0000 Hard to imagine John doing it, either.
