Comments on: Magical Mystery Tour Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon Sun, 09 Dec 2018 10:32:11 +0000 This was thought to be as one could not tell due to the quality of the VHS tapes .Now its on Blu ray and DVDone can tell that this information is wrong.

By: Phil connally Fri, 14 Sep 2018 21:21:11 +0000 Did anyone know that in magical mystery tour Paul is wherein a flashers coat during the song fool on the hill and you can actually see for a fleeting moment his junk.

By: Dennis O'Dell Wed, 21 Feb 2018 01:04:44 +0000 Nigel – the movie did play here in the states but probably in sporadic and random theaters. I saw it somewhere in Connecticut in the 70’s.

I was totally nuts about “I Am The Walrus” when it came out and it’s still a favorite. But beyond that I feel that the other songs from the movie (Side “A” of the US album) are collectively about the weakest material the Beatles ever put out. It feels to me as though they wanted to keep the innovation and magic of Sergeant Pepper going but were just trying too hard. Also I wonder if Brian Epstein’s death and resulting lack of “grown up” direction didn’t contribute to the muddle.

Instead of “Magical Mystery Tour” I refer to this album as “Whoa! Way Too Much Acid!”.

By: Robert Mon, 04 Dec 2017 15:32:45 +0000 Check around a little bit but I have seen a quote of up to $750 on

By: Nigel Nigel Wed, 29 Nov 2017 04:30:35 +0000 The whole movie was a rent party. The bus, the sets, actors, costumes; all rented.Only the music was bought and paid for…by the fans. And we (Americans) didn’t even get to see the movie.

By: phruetkraentz Tue, 28 Nov 2017 20:36:06 +0000 A lot of you guys doesn’t have a clue about MMT.
The US album was fully supported by The Beatles. Before 1967 they couldn’t do anything about Capitol’s releases, but by renewing their contract with EMI, one of their demands was that they could control releases overseas. If the Beatles had put their foot down before Capitol, the US album would not have happend. They did not.

By: Kurt Hoffman Wed, 19 Jul 2017 23:32:55 +0000 well, bear in mind that side 2 was mostly songs that had gotten lots of radio play during the year before, so even in the U.S. it was clear to me, as an 11 year old, that it included a lot of re-packaged material. Compared to my experience of the White Album which was like getting this amazing toy chest, every single song was unfamiliar, the whole thing had a vibe, and what a treat to discover them all from scratch. And there was an obvious difference between the fun but ultimately kind of commercial comic book in MMT and the much more interesting packaging of the White Album and Sgt Pepper. Kind of the same thing with Let It Be…when I got THAT for Christmas it was exciting to have a new bit of Beatles product and i gleaned pleasure from various tracks. But every single thing about it signaled that it wasn’t a major work in the canon. Starting with the banal packaging.

By: Roy Pryer Wed, 19 Jul 2017 23:01:54 +0000 The Beatles got it right. They split up while they were a YOUNG band & will always be remembered as such……Unlike the rolling stones.

By: Derek Shockley Tue, 20 Jun 2017 04:17:09 +0000 Yeah but my question is, where are the costumes and masks today? Were they donated or does the current Beatle members have it?

By: Pilcher of the Yard Fri, 16 Jun 2017 18:53:03 +0000 The band had a very work a day attitude to what they did. Essentially they saw being recording artists the same way as being a Teacher,Nurse,Engineer, Postman or any other job. You went to work everyday and had some days off for weekends or holidays. Paul particularly had this attitude. Although their hours of work were unusual they were more like shift workers working a backshift.

By: Jeffrey Mon, 05 Jun 2017 21:41:18 +0000 It is fabulous.
Just brilliant.
Frankly, it should be seen for what it is, very serious music.
Because “Strawberry Fields Forever” is so good, I really think that this is the best album of all, well, I suppose, along with “Sgt. Pepper”.
“I Am the Walrus” and “Fool on the Hill’ are so good that I find myself playing this more than any other of their albums. Yes, I prefer the old vinyl one though I also have the CD and I believe the EP somewhere as well.
If it is serious music you want, and not necessarily pop entertainment, then this one really stands out.
Forget about the costumes, the movie, the inside information, and just focus on the 11 songs.
I have no problem with any of the songs that people who have commented on dislike. It’s all great.
The album version stated here to not be released was everywhere in the U. K., yes, everywhere as soon as 1968 and all through the 70’s. Import? That’s silly, since it’s their album. The cover maybe, perhaps, but certainly not the music. It’s a bit like saying an American printing of a Shakespeare play is American when the play isn’t.
As for the reason I find this to be their best, well it certainly has nothing to do with the film. I’ve never seen it and that’s all right.
It’s all about the brilliant music herein.

By: Teddy Salad Fri, 02 Jun 2017 20:01:24 +0000 I live in the US and close to 40 years ago read that the White Album was meant as a follow-up to Sgt. Pepper’s, with the stark cover and relative simplicity of the songs countering the extravagance and complexity of Pepper.

By: MikeP Fri, 02 Jun 2017 02:30:19 +0000 Pure bullocks. George told the story many times as to what this song is about. You simply haven’t a clue I’m afraid.

By: John Fri, 17 Jun 2016 10:14:26 +0000 Agreed, what I have done is make my own albums, So Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane are on my version of Pepper, likewise I added Rain to Revolver and removed Yellow Submarine.

By: SouthofReality Tue, 08 Mar 2016 17:12:30 +0000 The first Beatle album I ever owned at the age of 13 and for that it will also have a nostalgic place in my heart.

By: stoutman7777 Fri, 16 Oct 2015 04:49:02 +0000 But isn’t that what the definition of an album is? A collection of songs already recorded?

Kind of hard to make an album if none of the songs have been recorded already.

By: Jason Pellegren Mon, 27 Jul 2015 18:50:12 +0000 If we allow that MMT is indeed a Beatles album, then it clearly is in their very top-most in the canon. It has at least 5 of what would be considered universally accepted of the top 25 Beatles songs of all time. SFF, AYNIL, IATW, PL, and FOTH

By: Patrick Uitz Sun, 26 Jul 2015 14:24:05 +0000 I have the original 1967 MMT EMI in mint condition, can some one tell me the value of this record?

By: Steve Mon, 20 Jul 2015 21:04:34 +0000 Nonsense.

By: David Barron Sat, 20 Jun 2015 11:28:13 +0000 No I think they got it right releasing it as an album when it came time to standardise the albums throughout the world as there was packaging especially for it, and for once Capitol got it right in putting all the 1967 singles on the second side, It would have left Past/Mono Masters as lop sided from 1965 onwards with the 11 songs that are on the album.

However i do agree that they could release Magical Mystery Tour as a stand alone Double EP in both stereo and mono, and maybe release it as a twelve inch singles as well in stereo and mono. So you could have four options in which to buy it.
