Comments on: Let It Be… Naked Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeP Thu, 10 Jan 2019 01:57:02 +0000 I’m on the list of loving the “….Naked” album. I hadn’t bothered listening to LIB in probably 25 years when this came out; I hated the mix and the overdubs that much.
The only thing I wish the Abbey Road folks hadn’t done is progressively “phase” the tamboura on Across The Universe. It’s not a perfect recording, but just once it would have been great to hear it un-screwed-with. Just let the beauty of the melody and words come through with no distractions.
As for the rest, they sound great – all the instruments and vocals come through clear. And no Spectorization of any of the songs. This is what it always should have been.

By: Bill T. Fri, 27 Apr 2018 03:12:44 +0000 Naked is superior to the original, in my opinion. The running order is so much better, starting off with Get Back and ending with the title song makes much more sense. Also, it’s great that Don’t Let Me Down was included. It should’ve been on the original.
The only fault I can mention is that George’s solo on the title track isn’t as good as the single or the original album version.
Other than that, Naked is tremendous!

By: Slipper of the Yard Fri, 16 Mar 2018 19:32:57 +0000 I think Macca’s belated objection to TLAWR is more to do with the realisation after legal advice , that his court case to release him of his legal obligations with the band would have more chance of success if he could show his artistic integrity would be compromised if the current arrangement continued. I have read this somewhere and cant remember what the source was but in it Macca suggests his objections were perhaps , shall we say a touch exaggerated ?

By: Rich Lomot Sun, 25 Feb 2018 22:41:50 +0000 I would still love to have the movie released on DVD.

By: Jason Thu, 23 Mar 2017 04:37:46 +0000 You are missing the point altogether, Spector’s version of Let it Be sucks.

By: Jason Thu, 23 Mar 2017 04:33:17 +0000 What makes The Long and Winding Road great on its own is the starkness of the recording, something that Spector completely trampled on with his version.

By: Jason Thu, 23 Mar 2017 04:29:14 +0000 Oh, so that is why in response to a comment made by Spector that his so-called superior producing skills is what drove Wilson to insanity, Wilson stated that not only was it not true, but that he had surpassed Spector with Pet Sounds alone. If anyone is more insane than the other it is Spector, who is horribly overrated to be honest. I give credit where credit is due in respect to some of his earlier productions, but by the time of Let it Be, he was well past his prime. Quite a bit of his best work has had to be remastered due to the muddiness that the Wall of Sound produced, Wilson did the same thing (with one good ear by the way) without saturating the master to the point of being near impossible to listen to.

By: Jason Thu, 23 Mar 2017 04:03:42 +0000 It most certainly is not, Naked is the closest thing to Get Back we’ll ever get. Calling Spector’s crap the raw and unfinished Get Back recordings shows you haven’t a clue at all about this project. Spector added so much junk to that album that couldn’t have been further from Get Back.

By: Jason Thu, 23 Mar 2017 03:37:28 +0000 Well, it was a grudge that needed to be settled. Paul was right, the others were wrong, Spector ruined that record.

By: Heisenberg 504 Tue, 17 Jan 2017 01:05:08 +0000 I agree. It has the feel of them as a band again and not being session men playing on each other’s songs. Don’t get me wrong, the White Album is my favorite for its sheer range and audacity but I’ve always loved both versions of LIB for the feeling of the lads all playing together at the same time.

By: Tomb613 Sat, 03 Dec 2016 16:00:33 +0000 Let it Be is a great album (in my opinion) and it reminds me of the White Album in many ways, mainly in how they were back to basics on both these albums as opposed to Sgt. Peppers, Magical Mystery Tour, and Yellow Submarine which were studio creations, using dubs, loops, etc.
This new version of the album while interesting, can’t be officially a true Beatle album as both John and George couldn’t be involved in the final product.

By: Julie Bee Sat, 19 Nov 2016 10:46:43 +0000 Who said the movie was more important then a “30 year old mccartney grudge”? Some douche nozzle, in a magazine? I scarcely heard any such response. Just that people were eager for the DVD as well, and disappointed that it never materialized.

The only difference criticizers generally noticed was the lack of strings on the McCartney piano ballads. Not how virtually every song is tightened up and mixed better. I would’ve gone the extra mile and done something about lennons out of tune guitar. Found it from another take or something. Particularly on the rockers, where he plays rhythm.

I happen to think LIBN is vastly superior all around. My only minor complaint is the modern, frantic pace, of track progression. Leave a few bloody seconds between songs, like a classic rock album or something. Let it breath…. lol

By: B Wed, 19 Oct 2016 12:54:05 +0000 Amazed at the comment section here, not only does it span eight years of opinions but also the passion in many of these opinions. A joy to read. My 2 cents? Well, Naked was disapointing, and it desen’t really make much sense. A release of the Let It Be film with accompaning song track, like with the reelease of Yellow Submarine would have been apt. Getting the tracks stright from the film takes. Also a release of the Glyn Johns 2nd Get Back album, cleaned up, would have made a lot of sense historically. Naked simply just isn’t either and thus a whole new third thing, which very few really asked for on Let It Be. I enjoy the Spector album. It even sounds better in my opinion, and, maybe it’s only nostalgia over the original, but the naked tracks really dosn’t add anything for me.

By: pat Sun, 11 Sep 2016 12:21:46 +0000 Brian Wilson loves EVERYTHING with Spector’s name on it!!

By: Michael Wed, 22 Jun 2016 00:28:32 +0000 I remember being so excited upon hearing the news that LIBN was coming out — at last, I thought — it will be the way they wanted it. But, basically, it’s the way Paul wanted it — with a few decades worth of hindsight thrown into the mix. Bottom line, I didn’t care for it. For all its flaws, I’ll always love the Spector version. There’s history and emotion coloring that reaction for sure, but there you go.

By: Simon Tue, 26 Jan 2016 21:07:45 +0000 I agree with most of that except I personally much prefer the Naked version of I Me Mine.
Also, as a whole album I think Naked is awesome. I never listen to the original album anymore it’s only Naked – even bought it on vinyl too … how it should’ve always been.

By: jnoble Fri, 08 Jan 2016 22:42:41 +0000 John was so out to lunch with his heroin and Yoko addiction at that point in time he really didn’t care anymore about the band or making quality music and it shows

By: jnoble Fri, 08 Jan 2016 22:40:37 +0000 they were also playing outside in the cold which will make any stringed instrument go out of tune quick

By: jnoble Fri, 08 Jan 2016 22:39:11 +0000 I still prefer the original album Spector’d version of Long&Winding. The LIE Naked version sounds too plain and stark by comparison.

By: jtrauscht Thu, 07 Jan 2016 02:22:08 +0000 The Naked version of Long and Winding Road, in my opinion, is superior because the bridge finally makes sense musically. I’ve never really cared for the Spector version because every time it came to the bridge I thought the bridge fell flat, and I’d long blamed McCartney for being a lazy songwriter toward the end. I was wrong. Spector took something that made sense in its original form and shoe-horned it into his own vision, where it really felt crammed in there. Across the Universe is also finally listenable on the Naked version.
