Comments on: Help! Not quite as popular as Jesus... Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:50:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sergio Genzon Thu, 27 Dec 2018 18:16:25 +0000 Actually Abe Laboriel Jr. said something very similar to that at the time when Ringo
Was inducted into the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame.

By: curt b Thu, 08 Nov 2018 05:52:49 +0000 Harrison had input on many Mccartney songs, (and vice versa) but Paul occasionally had an idea of the sound he wanted and it wasn’t on the same track with george so George felt left out. Most famously on let it be gorge started with a strong guitar counter to the music and Paul wanted to start with just the piano and add more instruments in so he asked George to stop. You can see why George would be irritated but it was Paul’s song and he called the shots. George did the same on his songs. Paul gave his all on George’s songs so george had fewer chances to irritate paul. Just a case of 2 musical brains getting better all the time and no longer in synch. George was ready to go on his own as were they all. Too bad they could not work it out enough to get back and record an occasional reunion album…

By: Slipper of the Yard Tue, 10 Apr 2018 21:42:18 +0000 You are perpetuating the nonsense you claim to despise. McCartney was always a great song writer and contributed massively to all the albums. Take a Hard Days Night, he wrote Can’t buy me Love, Things we Said Today and And I Love Her. Every one a classic.

By: Keithsmusic Fri, 01 Dec 2017 04:25:20 +0000 Where’s your source?

By: David mackin Thu, 09 Nov 2017 18:14:49 +0000 Help is the beginning of McCartney castrating Harrison. At this point McCartney took over lead guitar on his songs. No wonder Harrison never forgave McCartney. Mccartney has said Harrison didn’t turn up for many Pepper sessions. Why would Harrison turn up when he had zero input into any of McCartney songs.

By: Jack Thu, 30 Jul 2015 21:36:58 +0000 I thought that was a Pete Townsend quote about Keith Moons drumming ?

By: Bongo Sat, 11 Jul 2015 22:37:18 +0000 Congrats B L-H fan, you should go work for Capitol Records….. ;o)

By: Biased Lennon-Harrison fan Tue, 07 Apr 2015 00:23:01 +0000 Help! was the Beatles at their fun loving cheekiest. It is a perfect balance of the optimistic days of 1963 and the downer times of Beatles For Sale, and soon, Rubber Soul / Revolver.
Also one of the last albums with John clearly in command. It’s unfortunate he lost interest in the Beatles by 1966-67 because the time period from Please Please Me to Rubber Soul was the Beatles at their finest, all of these albums, by the way, featured John on lead at least 6 or 7 times if not more. Clearly the Beatles weren’t quite the same by Sgt.Pepper onward.

By: Biased Lennon-Harrison fan Tue, 07 Apr 2015 00:12:20 +0000 This is how I reshuffled Help! on my playlist. Included are If You’ve Got Trouble from anthology, I’m Down, Bad Boy, Yes It Is and Wait from Rubber Soul
(Which was written as a Help! Song). Removed are my two least favorite songs on the album, Act Naturally and I’ve Just Seen A Face.

Side one

1. Help!
2. The Night Before
3. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
4. I Need You
5. Another Girl
6. If You’ve Got Trouble
7. You’re Going To Lose That Girl
8. Wait
9. Ticket To Ride ( side one closer )

Side two

10. Bad Boy
11. I’m Down
12. It’s Only Love
13. You Like Me Too Much
14. Tell Me What You See
15. Yes It Is
16. Yesterday
17. Dizzy Miss Lizzy ( album closer )

By: Graham Paterson Sat, 07 Mar 2015 11:23:44 +0000 I believe this album is underrated because as Beatles biographer Bob Spitz said in 2005 this is a transitional album. I got this in March 1980 for my 14th birthday. It belongs like all the Beatles albums in the top 100 records of all time. John Lennon came up with classics like the title track Help, Youve Got To Hide Youre Love Away and Ticket To Ride. Paul McCartney has one of his greatest , Yesterday and the underrated Ive Just seen A Face. And I just love the cover of Dizzy Miss Lizzie.

By: Graham Paterson Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:58:47 +0000 I got this album in March 1980 for my 14th birthday. Like its predecessor Beatles For Sale it is a transitional album, as Beatles biographer Bob Spitz said in 2005. I believe because of that it is also underrated. The song Help is a John Lennon autobiographical song and Youve Got To Hide Youre Love Away is a Lennon classic. Likewise I just love Ticket To Ride, another John Lennon beauty. As for Paul McCartney he came up with one of his all time classics , Yesterday and one of his most underrated Ive Just Seen A Face. I just love Dizzy Miss Lizzy ,a great cover. I do not care what anyone says, like all The Beatles albums this deserves to be listed in the top 100 albums of all time.

By: BILLY SHEARS Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:06:31 +0000 As a kid in the mid 60’s and bought a 45 rpm copy of “Ticket to ride” that says on it: “from the United Artists release Eight arms to hold you”. I didn’t think much of of it at the time, but now I’m glad I have it. It’s probably not worth much, not quite like an original “Butcher” LP cover, but it is neat to have one of those “Mistakes”. The US version of the Help LP is a rough listen. I am not much of an instrumental fan. Always thought it was filler and fluff that I really didn’t want to pay for. The UK version is stellar.

By: JohnKing67 Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:22:17 +0000 Side one is good, side two seems fairly forgettable though, excluding Yesterday of course. The organ playing helps on some of the tracks. Played by John I believe.

By: metzgermeister77 Mon, 23 Sep 2013 23:03:53 +0000 It’s definitely not much of a Beatles film, but it is a very fun spy movie pastiche that happens to have the Beatles in it.

By: metzgermeister77 Mon, 23 Sep 2013 23:00:07 +0000 I have to disagree with you on Help! being their transitional album. There are still some lingering elements of their earlier years, but in my book the transition really began with the moody Beatles For Sale. As I said over on the comments for No Reply:

One of my absolute favorites, and, in my mind, the point where the Beatles enter what I think of their “middle period” pre-Revolver (even though the Revolver-Sgt. Pepper-Magical Mystery Tour era straddles the middle of their career, I feel this stretch of albums is kind of a musical adolescence).

So while Help! is definitely transitioning, I think it had already begun an album earlier. I’d even accept an argument that it started with A Hard Day’s Night, but for me that’s pushing it a bit.

By: James Ferrell Wed, 03 Apr 2013 21:02:58 +0000 This was maybe the first British import LP I bought (I’m in the US) and I loved the A side–the movie music. I rarely played the B side even though it had a few stellar cuts (I’ve Just Seen A Face, Yesterday) because the weak songs are pretty darn weak.

Loved the movie too. A little aimless perhaps, but very funny. (“Are you buzzing?”)

By: King Turtle Thu, 12 Jul 2012 15:17:39 +0000 “The front cover was yet another instantly classic design. Featuring the four Beatles standing in a row wearing their ski garb from the Help! film, they spelt out the letters ‘NUJV’ in semaphore. For the US version released by Capitol Records, the order was slightly amended to read ‘NVUJ'” WHY?

By: Julio Sanchez Sat, 18 Jun 2011 03:30:09 +0000 George once said that Ringo’s fills sounded like someone falling down the stairs.

By: GniknuS Thu, 02 Sep 2010 11:45:56 +0000 I agree with whoever said that there are five great songs on this album. If you took Help, Hide Your Love Away, Ticket to Ride, I’ve Just Seen a Face and Yesterday they match up with anything the Beatles ever did. The problem is there are too many fillers after that, although most are pretty decent. I can’t stand You Like Me Too Much though, the lyrics are juvenile, and Tell Me What You See and Dizzy Miss Lizzy are average at best. As for the Lennon/McCartney debate, this was really the start of Lennon’s peak, he was just incredible in ’65, whereas I don’t think Paul peaked until about ’68 with his fantastic contributions to the White Album and also Hey Jude. Although maybe he peaked on Revolver, but I’ve always liked his White Album songs better.

By: Roger Tue, 31 Aug 2010 21:32:22 +0000 WOW! I never thought an observing commentary on the “Help” album could bring such anger from a McCartneyologist. While it’s true that McCartney made Lennon a better songwriter, the same can be said for Lennon for McCartney. However, what I said was a personal opinion that I think the “Help” album was the Beatles saying goodbye to Beatlemania and introducing themselves to the “Rubber Soul” era. Half of “Help” was Beatlemania, the other half was more mature, laid back, more acoustic and McCartney offered us more. I have to take the word of McCartney that he and Lennon wrote eyeball to eyeball (as Lennon also said), but that whoever was the primary writer…sang the song. No doubt also that if the Beatles were made up of only Lennon’s songs, then we’d be bored quickly…vice versa with only McCartney’s songs, if they had no influence on one another. So come on Thomas, lighten up and open up to other opinions…but thanks for the critique and you have some valid points.
